
One of my mom's favorite stories to tell (to my sister's total mortification) is about a time when she was weaning my sister off of breastfeeding.


Even fucking BED BUGS (curse them... unrelated) demand reproductive autonomy.That tells you something right there.

Well, that's never stopped human males from trying— except they replace 'evolution' with 'legislation'! If they can't evolve themselves into a creature that can control our reproduction, then by god-grits-and-guns they're going to make sure our insurance doesn't cover birth control & we have to drive 4 states and

...little heathen larva child...

Thank you, emma.

I'm sorry that it did... but you're not alone!

Thank you. That's part of the reason I hesitate to cut him out of my life in explicit terms. I am afraid he'll snap and hurt us or himself. You never know... and restraining orders only do so much.

Thanks... it's definitely hard to do. He's living far, far away from me now... so I'm hoping he'll be happy there (Vancouver Island so... if that place can't make him happy then nowhere can.) I think we'll be ok for now... but I seriously shudder at the thought of getting pregnant. I just know he'll want to be around.

Thanks canmorelady (you don't live so far away from me if that's where you're from!) He's living in Salvation Army housing in Victoria right now and doing odd jobs... so he seems occupied (and far away) for now. He's been wanting to get out to the island for a long time, and now that he's finally there I think he will

Woah... that sounds so fucked up. I'm glad that you got him out of your life in the end... even if it had to happen that way. I get what you're saying about how other people's reactions put the situation into perspective (your sister's reaction to the situation vs. yours). It's amazing how much you can downplay and

Tuff Guy™ fantasizes about exacting righteous justice for the weak and stupid with nothing but his fists.

Oof, that was my fave part. So tough, much machismo.

Where can you watch this if you don't live in the USA??

This. Omg, this hahaha!


Seriously... what. What is this.

Ok, I'm a complete idiot and you wrote a perfect thesis on race and domestic violence in America. Sounds legit.


Nope, definitely didn't make your point well. Came off like misogynist screed. The only time you mentioned race AT ALL was "black male monster".