
Rights of penises > rights of actual human women

I could only star your post once, so I got you all these other stars.

I am going to point to this the next time some young, white Albertan guy -with no post secondary education, who's clearing over $100k right out of high school- says that I should just go work in the oil field if I want to make good money.

and wars.

Love her relaxed, rounded belly! You would never see that in a fashion magazine these days... Now we get:

Well, Sophia and Lucille were/are both gorgeous and glamorous Funny Women on sitcoms... I can see it.

When I first looked at her Etsy page I thought "Oh, come on... let's not make fun of her artwork, girlfriend is just putting it out there! No harm!" Then I saw the prices. Then I read the descriptions:

No, I don't know anything else about the situation. These days when kids know how to operate iPhones when they're three... I don't know if you could chalk it up to abuse being the reason they know how to do this (although it certainly could be). Kids are curious about sex from young ages, and if they can access

WUT. Noooooooo. :(

Is that what makes something a legit profession? No one would be willing to pay to watch me do my job... I suppose I've just been playin' all this time and I don't have a real job. Damn.

Same. *Shudder*

I know... I was a bit shaken by that! Like... grade 4... I was still playing with stuffed animals at that age!

In 2010 or so, there was an incident that happened in one of our schools, where a girl was giving a boy a blowjob underneath his desk, during class... and they were in GRADE FOUR.


Bring it. I've got my whore-slacks on and I'm feelin' goooood.

How is football any more of a profession than cheerleading... or any other sport for that matter.

Ohhhhh these are the fucking WORST. Whenever one gets published it inevitably makes it onto my Facebook feed with an "AAaaAAwWWww I hope to marry a man like this one day" caption and I have to spend the next 5 minutes groping around on the floor to find my eyeballs.

How I hate her. Make her stop.