
Oh my gaaadd that is the best thing I've ever heard! "Free suppers and rides to darts." LOL

Can I join the no butt group plz.

Yes. Why.

Yeah, I know he won't have any legal right to see them, but I can see him pulling that kind of thing. That's what he did with us over holidays or something, even if we didn't want to go with him he would invoke his "legal rights" as a parent blah, blah, blah...

Thanks again. This is actually the first time I have talked about my dad and what he was like in a serious way... when I talk to my friends about it it's always in the tone of "oooohhh dads, silly fuckers!" and I try to downplay the seriousness of his personality and our experiences. I've never told anyone except my

I'm not letting him go through the years assuming that I'm going to be there to care for him... I have NEVER said anything of the sort that would lead him to believe that. He has no reason to think that other than his own delusions. Grudgingly letting him stay with me once a year is not promising a retirement home.

That is one thing that worries me a lot... he's kept his distance for the last few years and I'm great with that, but I just worry that he's going to want to be involved again if we have kids, and it will be like my teen years all over again... ("I have a legal right to spend time with my children grandchildren!")

Children aren't retirement plans.... yaass.

I like the way you think, girl.

That's all I got. Fuck this.

Yeah, I can see where that would be the case. I wouldn't be able to tolerate him encroaching on my life anymore than he already does (which is not much), despite any feelings of guilt or obligation... he's just that irritating haha. And I have my long time boyfriend to back me up and support me when the time comes.

YUP. It's that or, "lazy Indians bums living off the government... THEY'RE the privileged ones! I'd love to hang out and get drunk everyday!"

So if you're offended that Mike Mills is writing and directing a movie about women, shouldn't you also be offended that Kathryn Bigelow directed a war movie with mostly male characters?

Thanks, I know that I will be strong enough to cut him off if the situation deteriorates... I have an amazing boyfriend and family who will support me 100%. It's just nerve wracking to think about what will happen/ what will have to be said when the time comes to shut him out.

Ohhh yeah. Every time I talk to him he's got a new story about some asshole doing him wrong, he doesn't seem to realize that he's the common denominator in all those situations.

...... Soooo.... It's a movie directed by a man, about women... who is dedicating it to his mom, sisters, high school crushes and punk rock chicks. In other words, women who matter because they directly contributed to HIS life.

Thank you... that is very kind and applicable advice. <3

Thanks. I know all the things you said are true, intellectually... it's just that little nagging voice coming from roughly the left side of my chest that keeps me opening my door to him. It's literally only like once a year or so... so it doesn't seem like that great of a sacrifice. I know that I will draw the line if

Thanks... If anything, I always have some wacky and entertaining Dad Stories!