
Right? I laughed out loud when I read that bit... there's really no need to keep reading further.

Sometimes a correspondent, like "Her Son," has hung on to a thread of a relationship, but is now fearful of being further yoked emotionally or financially to a declining parent.

Their children's success is always because of them...never in spite of them.

Why the fuck have I never heard of the Saskatoon freezing deaths?? Jesus Christ, that is some evil shit!

Right? Such a good word. So much more satisfying to say than "pants".

Well, maybe you could pick up a darling little skirt suit and some stockings while you're out? Just pray extra hard once you get home and change.

I am always pleased to offer my guidance to achieve greater purity and Godliness (to women only though, men are generally fine no matter what).

Constant vigilance. Always have a pair of unappealing sweatpants nearby to throw over your whore-slacks. It's the only way.

Well you ARE in the comfort of your own home, so I'm pretty sure God is OK with you being a slut in there. Preferably when your children are gone so you don't taint their innocent minds with your sex body.

One of my best friends is living in High Prairie for work... I just hope she can get out soon! And I've never been to Eckville... but that's on purpose ;)

Lived in Peace River for 18 years.

It's actually disgusting how smug and ignorant most white Canadians are about our country's past, and current race relations. We are not one little bit better than American's in that arena.

I thought the headline was going to be some sort of sarcastic play off of what he actually said... but nope he pretty much went there, not much room for different interpretations. Wooww.

Best comment I've ever seen, hands down.

We must always consider the feelings of rapists. Their psyche's are damaged enough as it is, poor things. They wouldn't be raping if that wasn't the case! Take one for the team, ladies, and let them get on with their lives... they deserve it after everything they've been through.

I hope he reads this comment and it haunts him forever. Seriously... fuck that fucking kid.

Let's stop expecting women and girls to sacrifice our dignity, safety, and lives to male insecurity.

Rehtaeh's mother's words... wow.