Ok, wow.
Ok, wow.
That seems like a very generous interpretation... but I really hope you're right!
Yeah, I agree with you there. The situation is so beyond fucked up that if they found even ONE supportive person it would be a miracle.
Yeah, I was confused while watching the show as to why Ilana was saying that Abbi raped him (what? he was digging it but then passed out!) until it came out that Abbi kept going until she was finished and then I was like ohhhh yeah. Ok, that is messed up.
Ummm if your partner ever passes out you should stop fucking them and get them the medical attention they need (if any)... not just keep going until you're done.
Her delivery was SPOT ON with that one. So good!
*mother can be seen in the background wiping projectile vomit off the walls, doing the dishes, folding laundry, and pumping breast milk as father and son "hang" on the lawn eating Popsicles *
I've always wondered about people like this who have daughters... at what point do they (the daughters) stop being precious miracles to be loved and cherished, and become whore incubators/ seductresses to be shamed and controlled?
Yes, that. That sounds awful :( At least they look nice when naked? I've always thought that if I could inflate my boobs to a nice full C or D during sexy times and then back down to normal for everyday life that would be perfect!
Right?? That entitled shit head thinks he has the right to barge in on this woman's life, decades later, in order to get her to assuage his guilt and make him feel better. What a tragic hero he is.
I feel you! Sometimes I wish I could choose to be a lesbian, but unfortunately I am quite fond of the peen. And the disenfranchisement lesbians face from society at large is not very attractive either, of course.