Wtf... link??
Wtf... link??
Amen, sister.
Haha, jesus... I'm sorry that happened to you, but I'm glad that you stuck to your guns and laughed in your dad's stupid face (harsh judging your dad right now).
Totally. These things are far from harmless.
Exactly! The injustice of those 5 women (out of the 40 on the Judiciary Committee) taking up spots that could have been filled by men to speak on this issue... it's sickening, really.
That jumped out at me too... "she got pregnant". Nope, nothing that I was involved in, nothing to see here!
Oops, double post..
...Cando initially turned down the surgery, but eventually caved under pressure from a surgeon.
And here come the Republicans, demanding bans on all cosmetic procedures for the sake of women's health and lives! How wide are the hallways in those clinics?!
*nodding vigorously*
Totally! I can't imagine moving around at all... let alone working out and going to Zumba! Jeepers.
Yeah... it's like boobs, legs... maybe a liitle sliver of stomach in between. Vair confusing.
To me, they look more like a giant tumor than a pair of breasts.