I cannot begin to understand. I'm very happy with my B cups... I used to want bigger boobs, but I've come to realize what a pain in the ass they really are from my more well endowed friends!
I cannot begin to understand. I'm very happy with my B cups... I used to want bigger boobs, but I've come to realize what a pain in the ass they really are from my more well endowed friends!
What I mean by the switching experience thing is: as a man, would you take the chance to be a heterosexual woman for a day (meaning that you're not a man in a woman's body.. an actual woman) and experience sex from a woman's POV.. not would you like to have sex with another man (while being male). Still no?
Hey, thanks for sharing. I'm just so curious as to why men would not want to experience sex as a woman, even just once! That seems so crazy to me... I would totally want to know what a whole bunch of things feel like (including what sex feels like for a guy) that I don't experience, even if I wouldn't want to adopt…
Thanks for taking the time to explain rape culture to me. What an interesting new concept! *sarcasm*
A Great and Terrible Beauty by Libba Bray (the whole trilogy) is my fave of that variety. Young English girl in boarding school discovers she's part of a mystical sect of sorceresses, escapes to a magical realm full of magic, beauty and female empowerment by night and back to school by day. Le sigh.
How could I possibly misread
That's a good way to put it. I like that you included the aftermath (being blamed), because it's such a big part of why rape is so damaging. The act is horrifying enough, it's not just something that happens to you one day and you can shrug your shoulders and go on with life... your psyche is damaged as well.
Totally! Women's potential for sexual pleasure is seemingly endless, which I think has terrified men for a millennia and informed a lot of the restrictive attitudes around female sexuality. Sexual politics are so fascinating to me, I just received the book What do Women Want? Adventures in the Science of Female Desire,…
Based on your first response I am 1000% certain that you are not angry about rape culture, and most definitely not as angry about it as I am.
Handling menstruation is a challenge that women face everywhere and falls on a spectrum, from the practice of chhaupadi in Nepal, to women feeling ashamed of and pressured to conceal their menstruation in North America.
Wow this is really interesting. I've never asked any other guys before, but I'm going to now. I'm curious as to what their responses and thoughts will be.
A white person man. Fixed it for ya.
You make good life choices.