Am I the only one who read that as:
Am I the only one who read that as:
Yeah I agree with that 100%.
Did you really just #notallmen me?
Mmm, I don't think that they thought of (consensual) sex for women as threatening per se... but something that is slightly degrading and much more emotionally charged than having sex the way they do, as in outside their bodies.
Yes, this! All of this! That's exactly what I was getting at. Also, our sexual climate is not at all empowering for women... the way that porn (which influences the masses) depicts sex for women is super demeaning, they are being fucked literally and figuratively. Either they sound like they're being hurt and are…
Wow. Sometimes it feels like rape is this abstract concept when we discuss it... without actually talking about the gritty, awful details of WHY it is such a despicable crime to commit. It would explain why some men have such a cavalier attitude towards it... they just can't even fathom that degree of violation…
Yup, that's it. Hypothesis confirmed. Holy fuck that sounds like the most distressing conversation ever... what do you even say to that? Like, mansplaining level 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000. I'm gagging just reading your account of that... You're a braver woman than I to engage with those kind of…
Yep, yes, this, exactly, bingo! All of that! Couldn't have said it better.
This is literally one of the weird, horrible things that I think of happening sometimes and it freaks me the fuck out... my fears are now amplified by 1000000000000000 now that I know it's actually happened to someone!!! fuuuck!
Just to touch on the subject of "men don't understand rape"... I've been thinking lately that they really don't, on a physical level.
I've read about a couple of those... I don't even know if I can handle reading the others for fear of having a rage blackout and destroying my office. Fucking bullshit. They're not even fucking trying to be sneaky about their misogyny.
Ooooohh I was imagining that it came out without you noticing (??) and THEN you got pregnant because it wasn't in anymore. What actually happened makes way more sense haha. Dur.
It's so good! Her delivery and mannerisms are perfect! :D
Thanks, me too!!
Good ol' Kelso :)