I hope SWTOR is gonna do something, it was the 'rival' universe after all
I hope SWTOR is gonna do something, it was the 'rival' universe after all
I bailed out with 3 eps to go, I just didnt wanna finish it since it ended up like shit >_>
Hahah yeah... Lakers.... who?
Lighting and the books give it away, the creases in the bedlinnen are better than the Paris one though so good on em!
You mean the one with a valve for an eye?
A) upload in HD, there's no way I can differentiate between (what I assume) is a render or video in a 360p vid
To be fair, you cant deny that some Valve devs chuckled at the time and date of the pressconference of this guy
OMG AN ENTIRE YEAR WITHOUT A GAME! Bethesda isnt a dev anymore either then?
This is supposed to sound like GLaDOS? Huh...
QUOTE | "A lot of people seem to be defining 'Casual' as a free-to-play game with ads and as many millions of users as they can get." - Daniel Fountain of Lumino City developer State of Play, talking along with other developers about the state of casual gaming.
Will another game pick up S.T.A.L.K.E.R.'s torch? I don't know. I've heard that The Long Dark is a Canadian response to S.T.A.L.K.E.R. I've spent a little time with Sir, You Are Being Hunted, which the developers have described as "British Indie S.T.A.L.K.E.R.," but I haven't had enough time to form an opinion yet.…
itshalf the fun though!
Well we only have McD and a local chain so maybe I dont have much to compare too?
Yes and that doesnt guarantee anything. I hope Im wrong and I probably am but Im not keeping hopes up.
Delayed =/= polishing. They could very well just not give a fuck and just delay it because of some minor issues. Rockstars track record is absolutely shit with ports, they've made 1 decent port (MP3) but the rest is either shit or mediocre at best.
Thats the thing, they dont say "When its finished", they give a release date and when it gets close to push it. Rather have them say "Its coming whenever we're done" than "Its coming now... euh no now... ah jk its coming now... or tomorrow because fuck you"
Chances are, its still a broken game going by their trackrecord
Awesome! Do you have an email I shoot something to? I write for a small Dutch/Belgian website and to cover it would be awesome. Maybe we can work out something cool ^_^
Yes, its the amount of green XBOX WHOOO stuff around the place. And this is way more busy than the 'decors' in our McD's
Yeah... no.