Never said they did, Im saying what this marketing schtick looks like.
Never said they did, Im saying what this marketing schtick looks like.
Why would you have that? o.O
How is Q3 not old school? Its like 16 years old :|
I havent played QLive since launch but do they seriously have a timer for items? See, this is why you cant play this competitively anymore, its so bloody easy
Yes. :(
How do you even live with yourself? Im putting you on the blacklist of Epic Games with this heresy
His plan, then, is to hold another tournament like this, only bigger, with more modes, and more money on the line. He'll provide the spark, and hopefully the fire will do the rest. Or, as he put it:
As a result, it was something of a surprise that this year's thousand-seat Frag-O-Matic 17.0 event in Wieze, Belgium—still a relatively small LAN event—added Quake Live back into its rotation. Johan "Greth" Martens hosted a tournament with €800 (or a bit over $900) on the line as an experiment to see how a bunch of…
And they wonder why so many PC gamers dislike Xbox gamers... this just yells "IM 12YO AND I FUCKED YOUR MOM!"
But with lots more swag
I tried to not be insensitive but its Kanye, he's the king of douches so... Ill bet $50 that when she meets god, its actually Kanye
Somethingsomething PCMR somethingsomething.....
Ah yeah in that case, I agree :P
This has NOTHING to do with being altruistic.
Haha yeah because a company always needs to make more money right? Thats the joke right? -_-
Goddamnit, does everything need microtransactions? Arent they making enough money from the main game and the 4 other IP's they have? Cosmetic or not, I feel like this is just greedy-moneygrabbing-bandwagon-jumping
Is this really modding though or is it simply breaking the game
You only need one nutjob sadly enough
This is clearly a different situation than any of us expected when our project met its initial funding goal, which is why I opened a round of refunds a year ago with the last project update. I plan to post further updates if and when I am confident that I can deliver something of worth. I take my commitments to…
Not at all unusual, pro athletes need to be checked for illegal substances and they dont always get discovered there either *cough*Tour de France*cough* but its still worth it just in case