
Not sure if idiot or troll or trying to be sarcastic in which case Ill refer to the former, idiot.

I was bullied a lot in school and youre right, the best way to deal with them is to kick them in the nuts, literally. The problem is that there is no online equivalent of that unless you want to swat them aka fight fire with fire.

It's not a solution to blame writers for the actions of hate groups. They should be praised for bringing this to everyone's attention and letting the victims know that they're not alone. They should be praised because they won't be silent even when it makes them a target.

Ok lets put this in another perspective. If you are getting stalked irl, wouldnt you just call the cops and be fucking done with it? Maybe Im weird but if someone sends me a deaththreat Ill call the cops and do everything in my power to see who the idiot is. I wouldnt write long 'empowering' op-ed's about it.

It started a few years ago with Tumblr more like it xD

Who gives a shit what they think they are? All we're doing now is giving these guys a platform, enabling a biased view on the matter. Thanks to them, people who agree with certain points are thrown in the same category and as long as we keep the platform open, theyll keep coming back.


Taking a stand achieved fuck all. All it did was give mainstream media ammo against gamers in general, it divided a lot of communities into horrible factions and it brought general nastyness that Ive never seen in the gaming atmosphere.

Virtual bullies =/= trolls =/= real life bullies.

No they dont. They revel in the attention that they get from Kotaku and Polygon, that what they get a hard-on for. If the police was called and the people arrested and sites reported "Person A and Person B were arrested for making threats against Person C." and left it at that, then it wouldve been a lot better.

Yeah and thats worked out great so far...

There is a difference between not feeding the trolls and ignoring them.

QUOTE | "We come under attack... every day, by people who hide behind the banner of free-speech, and they demean it by doing so." - Alex Lifschitz, who along with Zoe Quinn has set up the Crash Override service, explaining how they help targets of online mob harassment.

"We take stuff out and put it in again," Molyneux said. "It's the way I work. It's the way it worked with Magic Carpet and Black & White and Syndicate. Dungeon Keeper took four years because we rewrote the game three times. It's ridiculous, I know, but this is the way I approach things. I know it's inefficient. I know

They were where I grew up, go figure, cultural differences!

I lived in Spain for a while and I couldnt speak Spanish at all so the Spanish tended to mock me for it. Was it annoying? Yeah it really was, but I think of it as an attack at me, not my entire culture.

It was simply an example, perhaps a wrong one. Cowboy can be changed to a myriad of other stereotypes of any colour, creed or culture.

You failed to grasp what I was saying. The word 'brah' is used as slang all over the world, agreed? In Australia the specific word brah and not bro tend to be used by Aboriginals or islanders, Caucasian Australians then use the word brah as an insult combined with funny accents and other stereotypical things, they

1) How are cowboys not exclusively black people? How many black cowboys do you know? I dont mean current day but back then, how many black people owned a ranch? Hell, how many owned anything?

When the fuck did I say cowboy was an ethnicity? I said cowboys = white people, because back then only white people were cowboys. So the ethnicity in that matter is Caucasian.