
Can you give us some examples of liveries youve done?

Im afraid our relationship isnt meant to be anymore Fahey, I thought we had something special and then you ruined it with Destiny

Whilst I appreciate the oldskool liveries, I agree. I love'd the Martini livery not because of Martini livery but because we needed something nostalgic in F1. Now we've had that its time for new stuff.

Thats racist!

Quesh also has a planetary storyline. Its very short (like everything on that planet) but its there.

Because heaven forbid I have something Im passionate about that Ill defend when people make stupid comments about it!

What bothers me is people like you who have no idea about the SW EU and spout absolute bullcrap about stuff they know jackshit about. But ya know, to each his own

Its Ubisoft and its been delayed a bunch of times so A) it might be shit. and B) itll probably get delayed... again

And all those jokes were made in-character? You also understand the concept of sarcasm?

You actually said the first one? Ew...

I VERY much doubt that, not because I doubt someone could be like that 24/7 but also because theyre pretty much actors. You think the guy from Ragequit rages that hard? That RWJ thinks dead babies are genuinely funny? Im sure there are similarities between his online persona and his offline persona but there are also

Do you have any sources on these allegations?

Human nature dictates that whenever people acquire new tools for visual expression, they'll use them to draw dicks. So when Nintendo revealed that the latest (and, quite possibly greatest) Super Smash Bros. would come with a level editor, was there any doubt about what players would do with it?

Comedy is a form of art and art cannot be looked at objectively. You find something funny or you dont. I find Jimmy Carr hilarious but I know a lot of people who think he's an asshole. Some people think Jeff Dunham is brilliant, I think he's boring.

Ah ok, the 'but' makes it sound like youre not :P

Guess its WAY more popular in your part of the world then, EU servers dont have that luxury

Thats exactly what Im saying...

Like with everything else, some people like it and some dont. I think his character is an annoying twat but he sounds like a pretty awesome dude.

Oh be honest, I love the hell out of Titanfall but the most Ive seen online in the past few days is around 3000 so hardly 'thousands' (and yes technically you're not wrong)

Civilization Beyond Earth was a disappointment. Lucky, then, there was a replacement at the ready in the form of Endless Legend, a game that is very much like Civilization, and where it's not, it's often better. Ignore the fact it comes from a relatively small studio: the depth, unique setting and slick UI make this