
EA: Granite Falls is a brand new destination in The Sims 4. When you arrive you'll be in a Campground neighborhood where your Sims can set-up camp among the trees or rent a fully furnished cabin. Your Sims will only have what they bring with them – any additional supplies they'll need they'll have to purchase at the

This is why I loved the 12x XP, FUCK YO PLANETQUESTS!

Too be fair, we played an alpha version the last time. Whilst its expected to have customizable controls, in an alpha version Ill forgive them for not having it. Beta though?

Yeah I told one of the devs that I met at a press event and they said "Uhm well... we'll look into it!" so hopefully!

Ive played for the first 2 years and then quit just after the GSF update. It really didnt interest me anymore and I finished every storyline at least once. To top it off, BioWare fucked over its paying players something shocking with the Cartel Market. I know that F2P = microtransactions but the general stance on the

A few of the class stories had lulls, but they were all solid overall (at worst) or brilliant (at best). And some of the planets you'd visit over the course of the game had their own separate faction story arcs that were also usually very good.

Did they fix it so you can rebind keys yet?

The whole thing feels kind of like an experiment in progress, and it's not clear what Valve is actually attempting to do. Was this whole thing just a test balloon, or a halfhearted initiative that'll eventually be set aside? Possibly. Will Valve deliver on the concept next year and finally see it through to some sort

Im a PC gamer. And just because they release one every 5-6 years doesnt mean you need to buy one.

Not sure about Japan but the one I got in Hong Kong was pretty regular.

Why the hell did I click on this at 1.30am? Now Im craving for a good burger and I cant get any :(

Lets say the average lifespan of a console is realistically 5 years, maybe 6. That means the PS3 is about 3 years overdue meaning this current gen shouldve been out there already for 3 years and in about 2-3 years we should see the next one.

Thats the problem with leaving a generation run too long, last gen shouldve ended 3-4 years ago and then this wouldnt have been as much of an issue

The Razer Deathadder is very nice. Im using the lefthanded Naga now and its pretty good too

Unity to someone without the possibility to patch it

Uh huh... because gaming mice dont have buttons meant for thumb use or indexfinger use.

Oh in that case I get it, it was sarcasm.

Yes thank you, if only others wouldve told me that as well...

Still lost on me

I had one but no weapon so it got destroyed by zombies :(