
Made my day! Thank you very much!

Wow. Just.... wow.

Id love to. The problem is I am an ideas man. I can think of concepts but I have none of the talent needed to realize them.

If only I had the money, I'd start my own game company. Game 1: A drama about 2 Lesbian Police officers who fall in love.

After the abomination that was DA2, coupled with my total lack of faith in Bioware, I have to completely agree.

That is some flat ass, ugly

Bipedal armored pigeons.

I had a site-account before the merger. Now that the options are social media accounts or burner, I'd rather run a single dedicated burner account for all Gawker sites than enter false information into a fake social media account.

You don't want to be excellent to each other?

No thanks

George R. R. Martin will publish the last two Ice and Fire books before we get Half Life 3.

No Australian accent? Then it ain't Mad Max.

For some reason I imagine that being said in a Newcastle accent :)

And the Plane was named "HitlerDidNothingWrong".

Sugoi~! I ❤ Airplane-sama!

I'm a lot older than you, troll.


I've played the same 30 minutes of Amnesia and I love it every time. I've attempted to get past it, but... I can't! I'll be more than happy to continuously play the first 30 minutes of this game was well.

Obviously he listens to his heart.