
Well a year ago they only just announced DayZ stand-alone, iirc its closing in on Alpha now and itll probably hit Steam Early Access as well

Oh Id also love to see GRID2 on sale, I thoroughly enjoyed the first

Wow... ok!

More bundles (entire publisher bundles), better deal on BL2, good deal on prepurchase of SR4, better deal on CoD games, Civ5 deal, better Remember Me, Dishonored full pack


Origin is stupid like that, last time when BF3 Premium was on sale for $10 orso it was $40 over here. Another reason to heavily dislike EA -_-

This is NOT the case in Europe, here its €25+(USD $35+) depending on what combo you buy

Might as well wait till the stand alone is out

Think Reus will be on the daily deals tomorrow

I do own quite a few of the games but thats not why Im saying this, games like Fallout and BL are on sale 5x a year, the only decent offers Ive seen is TR (which was beaten by Amazon), a few indie titles and thats pretty much it.

Are on sale every summer and winter sale, hell usually also Spring and Fall sales so its nothing special. Hell, when I bought them it was part of the Obsidian pack, not seeing that either

Dishonored hasnt had a good sale yet

As I told someone else, those 2 (same with BL1) are staples of every sale for the past 2 years, its nothing special. Im expecting Civ5, BL2, TR, Dishonored etc to be on sale in complete editions. I didnt buy Sleeping Dogs for this reason (GOTY 3x the price of base game? Screw that)

Its also an old game thats been a staple for every single sale since its release, that makes it the norm, not something special

Wow... so far the worst sale Ive seen.. given theres still a few days left but hardly any major new titles with nice discounts and STILL no good GOTY's (base+all DLC) on sale

I know, that was my point

I havent played for several weeks and I fell out of love with the game for even longer.

1. huh? No idea

Its well worth it!

When I think of chess as a sport Im talking the big league, just like Im not a competitive sportsman because I game but some guys who rank top of the world in SC2 are