Reading so much about this game makes me wanna buy a 3DS and this game... goddamn you bankaccount!
Reading so much about this game makes me wanna buy a 3DS and this game... goddamn you bankaccount!
What people dont seem to grasp is that both of these features (the scrapped functions and old trusted functions) can live in harmony quite well
I guess opinions differ
Its F2P isnt it? And if youre not on your PC just get the app and remote install it :D
I tend to keep it simple, if I buy an AMD chip Ill buy and AMD gfxcard
Its quite simply
Never because theyre the church and nobody touches the church. When was the last time a preacher committed a mass crime? Open the newspaper and its probably somewhere in the last month where they raped a few boys but alas nothing happens
DS is gruesome but its no realistic, TR is pretty damn realistic up until the dead stare in her eyes
Oh yeah totally, Ill write an email to the Godzilla makers and see what they can do
The DS has loads of shovelware but also has a LOT of good titles (Pokemon, Prof Layton, EBA, FF etc) so 3rd party support for the DS/3DS is actually very good, its the console that they lack 3rd party support in
Whilst yes they are more 'gruesome, I found the TR ones more cringe worthy
Yea I missed a load at as well, I just hate these death because theyre so well done and eerily fascinating
People say disgusting things all the time, I heard some preacher said we should kill all the gays and that doctors who perform abortions should be tortured and killed but I dont see them in jail, and these guys are serious!
The parachute fail was good and many others like arrows and machete deaths
Or perhaps...
You tell me
Not sure if Id buy it or if Id buy it, but I think Id buy it
Giant robot dinosaurs!
Well the DS is harder to emulate on the PC with the touchpad and all, GC and N64 are a lot easier
The only reason it sold 70 million is because people hacked it. And it failed at support form the start even before it was hacked and the DS showed that even if hacked it could still get the support. The Vita has been around for a bit now and it still doesnt have mentionable titles