I'm a great fan of Firefly and Serenity. Honestly, I prefer the series to Star Wars. But, I do have to admit that Star Wars is vastly more influential, and thus 'greater' than Serenity.
I'm a great fan of Firefly and Serenity. Honestly, I prefer the series to Star Wars. But, I do have to admit that Star Wars is vastly more influential, and thus 'greater' than Serenity.
I have a feeling that such companies ignore suggestions so as to avoid claims of plagiarism, or people wanting compensation.
Also covers fantasy (GRRM, Harry Potter, Being Human, etc,) psychology, and some other stuff along with the list Post-Nuked mentioned. It seems to me that this blog is pretty broad in scope. I think of it more as 'Primarily Sci-Fi, but with an additional focus on interesting facts/breakthroughs/discoveries/theories.
This. I tell people not to text me because I only get 50 a month before outrageous charges kick in.
He wasn't desensitized enough to actually commit what he was playing. When he realized that it was real, he felt betrayed and, IIRC, flipped his shit.
@Fluorine: Recon can be useful, as long as they're spotting. I'm best with recon, a g3, and some c4. Great class upclose. Easy to scope out a suspicious building, collapse it on top of someone...
Have any of you ever listened to Darling Violetta? If you played Vampire: The Masquerade- Bloodlines, their song 'Smaller God' was in it. They also wrote the theme to Angel, I believe.
Are you playing on console or PC? Because I played through on normal on PC, and I had moments where I seriously considered turning it down to easy. That was when I had seen the loading screen 20 times due to the amount of deaths I suffered from a small room of enemies.
I remember talking to one of my friend's grandparents when I was around ten years old, and he mentioned that he worked at NASA and helped develop ion drives.
I'm not really sure what's going on, but I'm just gonna go ahead and say that I prefer the control scheme offered by a mouse and keyboard.
Couldn't you go ahead and go through confirmation, resolving the issue? Or is this one of those things you only get one chance to say yes to?
I think this video most aptly expresses my sentiments.
His reviews are amazing. Oh, so funny...
Eh, really it should read "users let down their guard." Their=plural, user=singular, so they don't agree in person (or whatever the term is to refer to plurality, Pronoun-antecedent agreement?) in the original sentence.
What's wrong with WoD?
Little known fact, Jay-Z is the originator of that quote.
Might wanna give warnings before you reveal plot points next time.