
Is the princess thing really a problem? I mean, I was a little girl who LOVED fairy tales as an adult, I still do love fairy tales, but I always knew I was going to grow up and get a job and support myself. And I played with Barbies but my barbies went off to work. Perhaps my parents insistence that I should always

I... don't know how I feel about this. Like, sure, we need to push the importance of education on young girls and women, but I guess I just don't get where the princess thing comes into play? Do we need to take all fantasy and make-believe away from our girls so that they can grow up to be taken seriously? That's not

I appreciate the underlying message. But I'm so tired of the demonizing "feminine" associated activities/interests/etc. I'm all for encouraging young women to break the binary, to not just pick up "girls toys" because they're girls. But we should do that by making those things seem bad or wrong. There is nothing wrong

"Simply put, the only reason why black names are bad… is because they are held by black people,"

If you change your name to deal with bullies, they'll just find something else to tease you about. Once you're a bully target, you just are one until you age out (in my experience).

I mean, Jezebel doesn't say it's feminist either. So.

Hmm, sorry but it does diminish what slaves when through. What greater example is there of privilege than to be able to claim you are a victim of a system you created? Amazingly obtuse statement.

Picking out jock culture (which is awesome) as a particular hotbed for rape culture seems silly to me.

I loved this article but my main takeaway from the comments is that "We white women aren't all the same" and "This writer needs better editing. Grammar people."

Yes, let's talk about how hard slavery was FOR WHITE WOMEN, too. Because to make it an important issue, the suffering of white women must be observed and commented on. Sigh.

wow, a beautiful sweet brown child gets her dreams crushed. How surprising. Must be another day. The organizers insincerity by replacing her with blond girl with blue eyes is so blatant.

Children cannot legally consent to sex. Children cannot legally consent to sex. CHILDREN CANNOT LEGALLY CONSENT TO SEX!

Chris Brown has a singular talent for making it impossible to sympathize with him even if he’s recounting a vaguely traumatic incident from his childhood. You know, like that time he lost his virginity to teenage girl. When he was eight.

Miss Ghana's dress, tho....

MISS GHANA LOOKS SO GOOD! ho-boy, that dress!!

In other words, you were all set to write a Jez article criticizing critics for obsessing about Kate's weight. When they didn't come, you had to write your article anyway, so you wrote an article about the lack of critics obsessing about Kate's weight. Okeedoke.

I bet she claims to be Cherokee as well.

"a few sun dances, slept in a tee pee and then claims to be a navajo warrior"