Every Saturday...trust me on that one.
Every Saturday...trust me on that one.
Joke's on you, I already own a cheap crappy car.
Oh. Crap.
Or just name it after its color, like "Red"
Any Eagle.
a statistic you can't outrun if your line of work depends on you getting to an office or doing anything other than writing for Jalopnik, which has adopted a mandatory no pants policy ever since Doug DeMuro came on board.
I think all of this is endearing in its hopelessness
In the name of....science, I once tested if you could sleep in the bench seat of a small single-cab pickup truck. Results were very informative. It's possible as long as you don't mind crippling back pain for the rest of the day.
Insert obligatory comment about standard interiors here.
Is there any other way?
Fortunately there is a cream for that now
Well, we'll have to see how the Colorado fares in the market. Also if Toyota and Nissan actually do finish developing replacements for their trucks.
Well, this was to be expected. Despite how much we want this the simple fact of the matter is that we're the tiniest portion of the market, we would buy them used anyway, and Ford won't be spending a boatload of money developing a new truck just after they spent a boatload of money developing a new truck.
As long as they don't go all Lincoln on us it'll be fine.
-Like the microb-
And that sums up why I don't mind crossovers. They're just wagons, not very pretty wagons, but wagons nonetheless.