


The World Ends With You 2 for Wii U would make my year.


This was one of those instances where the most obvious pun was also clearly the best pun.

Are you sure it's not a...Metroid station?

Don't worry, Jason. Your 3DS would simply have slipped through the screen into a parallel dimension where Teddy would have kept it safe for you. Oh, but the things he would have made you do to get it back though. Unbearable.

That's what I'm hoping for too.

The World Ends with U2.

I believe it's "The World Ends With You, Too."

It really helped that the makers and the cast respected the source material. Even with the lighter moments of the movie, they treated it as if it were real. More movies based on either comic and/or Manga should use as a the standard of adaptations.

I ADORED Revelations' story, but I just felt as a game, they could have done more. Ezio's speech to Desmond is one of my top 5 moments in the series. ("Who are we to be so blessed? To speak across centuries?")

I will complain about franchise saturation when the games start getting bad. Sure, there have been some sub-par entries (I'm looking at you, Revelations), and III was rough around the edges, but Black Flag was one of the best games I've played in years, and I've got both of this year's entries pre-ordered.

Just wait. "Assassin's Creed: Overflow" is going to be a timing-based strategy game where you have to micro-manage Abstergo's video game releases in an attempt to space them out and prevent franchise fatigue.

There are no additional languages on the EU version. Zen United didn't care enough to get an EU release version out of Atlus Japan or Atlus Japan didn't care enough to make the european version.

There's a flaw in your argument. They didn't add ANY other languages to this release. None. Nada. It was just sitting there due to the absolute incompetence of the European publisher: Zen United. So it's the exact same as the US version, except way, way, way too late. So for region locking this for absolutely no