
Is that a cat?

"Only the most vapid of consciousnesses would think this is a good idea."

Yea, and everything the government regulates is better because they are the answer to every problem.

Net neutrality is the internet as it is right now, what we're protecting is the status quo. What are you suggesting that are lying about?

you really display your complete lack of understanding with this post. rates will not go up. it will actually prevent rates from going up. maybe do some homework into how infrastructure is purchased by ISP's, then open your ignorant mouth. for one thing, it is not government regulation, you damned astroturfer.

I once had a friend refuse to eat a slice of lemon pound cake because I mentioned I'd used my homemade vanilla in it (like 2 tsp in the whole cake). She doesn't drink, and when she learned that my homemade vanilla is vanilla beans in vodka, she declined the cake. I explained that unless powdered vanilla is used, all

The beer battered mystery shopper may be related to an acquaintance of mine, who would not eat beer battered anything when she was pregnant. "Guys, I CAN'T have any beer, because the baby will get fetal alcohol syndrome"

Sortland had a blanket, a cell phone and a box of Wheat Thins with him.

Withdrawals are no joke, sir. Say no more. To those that find this sense of detachment from your actions so abstract, I challenge you to form a good solid opiate dependency, stop ingesting whatever drug you've chosen... Wait 12 hours and let me know how you feel. I can assure you that acts you previously thought to be

In case any of the victims of the crimes I committed to go to prison are reading this, allow me to apologize and assure you that I am not ignorant of the damage I caused. I've been robbed myself; I know it is scary. You could not have known how unwilling I was to hurt anyone and it pains me to think that I even scared

"Canada does not extradite to countries that employ the death penalty"

Upon receiving notice that Michael Sam beat up his boyfriend, he was subsequently re-instated and appointed team captain.

Boo is from the French word beau and has been used as a term of endearment in England for hundreds of years. Since before it became a southern USA thing.

Wow. I'm not saying it's anybody's job to educate me I would just like to hear firsthand from somebody why they contextualize the word that way. Furthermore I didn't ask anyone in particular, it was more of a casting about for someone who felt inclined to lend me a hand.

I know. I'm so excited. Sadly the movie won't be out for a while. I promise to update everyone when it happens. By then you will have all forgotten about me. "Doug who?"