Groucho Marxism

New #1s every six months, tying everything into a tedious, ill-advised, and poorly planned crossover event which didn’t end on time and threw all their “new” #1s into turmoil... but yeah, let’s blame women and diversity.

The retailers at the summit were speaking about a longer time period, so I considered it as a blend of thoughts and ideas. I’ll make a note in the article, but I don’t think he was speaking to a sudden October change in opinion on diversity. The questions blended together.

“Will Kimball—who is clearly well-versed in German pronunciation, should have seen “Deutchland Deutschland Über Alles” and immediately raised a red flag”

I don’t know man. There’s nothing I love more than hearing a white billionaire play the blues.

Look, James Dolan doesn’t have the best people skills and probably shares a good deal of blame for escalating this situation beyond what it deserved. That being said, he’s a fucking joke of an owner, his franchise is the punchline, he’s a Trump bootlicker, and he’s even worse as a musician.

Not being able to let go of the smallest thing, suggesting his opponents are mentally unstable, and conspicuous files of paper that no one gets to see? Dolan 2024!

I hope someone bodyslams Dolan from space into the core of the goddamn earth.

Well said. You that when the Patriots go down there Trump is going to mention that some of the players skipped. He’s a weak-minded idiot that he can’t stand it when he isn’t loved by everyone.

One of the annoying things about our system is that the President is both Head of State and Head of the Government. In many other countries, this role is split, where the Head of State does the ceremonial stuff and the Head of Government does the real work. (Queen of England/Prime Minister)

I was disappointed in Tim

Well, at this point, the United States are kinda the Knicks of the world.

I wouldn’t fuck with Oak at his funeral.

Oakley’s Wikipedia page at the moment:

Oakley going after Dolan on national TV is fucking elixir.

Oakley is what, 50? 51? and he still looks like he could kill me with one hand.

Who the fuck does James Dolan think he is with “we hope he gets some help soon.” Oak is a fucking legend and Dolan is a fucking joke. This organization is a dumpster fire. I’d rather see Trump own the Knicks.

“Dolan did this... This is bullshit!”

This is fake news, Patrick. We know you have no teeth.

White male conservative here. While I won’t be watching this show (though I highly doubt it really promotes white genocide) it doesn’t harm me in any way. I will continue with my Netflix addiction. I’d be willing that 99.9% of conservatives agree with me.

Seattle: The Quebec of the West