
Newsom isn’t perfect, he’s made some mistakes. But most every person in power has made a mistake or two during the pandemic. Overall he’s done a pretty good job handling the pandemic. This article is ridiculous and really irresponsible. We can’t risk have Elder or any of those other morons being in charge of the 5th

This is such a baffling headline and article. “Gavin Newsom Said Something Stupid Once” basically, on the eve of such an important election is just a strange take when the option is somebody who could conceivably replace the (increasingly addled) Dianne Feinstein and change the balance of the Senate.

You act like this behavior by gamers is blamable on anyone else but the gamers.

They should go full Borat Banana Hammock. 

Big missed opportunity to title this one “NATO Alarmed Over Ramifications of Stunning, Sudden Russian Collapse” and really shake up the news cycle for a day

I can enjoy both Marvel “garbage” films and incomprehensible art and indie films at the same time. It doesn’t even require any Simone Biles-level mental gymnastics.

Dan Crenshaw also appears to be a third-rate villain in a fourth-rate Marvel knockoff.

Mr. Bieber’s outfit is largely fine

I’m now imagining a fart escaping out of the back of that thing with a sound like someone slowly letting the air out of a balloon and I can’t stop giggling. 

I was going to suggest a fart escape hatch.

It’s an air vent to cut down on swamp ass? 

1) That’s not what gatekeeping means.

who sold DC Comics to DJ Khaled?

So you’re fine giving your kid a negative label, but you bristle at having one applied to you? You might want to think about that one a bit.

The thing I will remember most about this pandemic time will be getting to see what celebrity curtains and bookshelves look like, and how many of them are too cheap to spring for bluetooth and still use the white corded earbuds that came with the iPhone. 

“These historians appear to me to be pushing to find the true historical facts. Based on her own words, many will conclude she is trying to push an agenda, and they will assume she is manipulating historical facts to support it. If asked about it, I will have to be honest in saying I agree with the historians.”

Welcome to: When Reposting Twitter Drama Goes Wrong - AV Club Edition.

I’m going to go out on a limb and say that someone who was crowned “most fuckable of her barely legal peers” by a bunch of old men was probably not thinking hard about any of the implications involved. 

“At that age [19], teenagers are mature enough to know what they’re being part of.”

“Sorry! I should have asked Jeeves about it!” -Ellie Kemper