
This is the worst Dr. Seuss poem I’ve ever read.

Risky google of the day (I dropped off the company VPN just to be certain), but it looks like it would fall under CP law:

I know this is obvious to most people, except apparently the ones at Good Morning Britain, but having a black family member doesn’t make you suddenly an expert in racism or even slightly less racist.

Did the designers just forget that the car they were drawing doesn’t need a grille until it was too late to go back and change it? It just makes no sense at all and looks as though the car’s designers were suffering from a profound lack of imagination.

It’s so that, sometime down the road, the hot-rodders can swap in an LS3 with a proper radiator.

You’re not just sharing batteries with the previous owner. You’re sharing batteries with everyone he has shared with. Ewwww.

It wasn’t her fault. The power shut off in the middle of the night while they were sleeping. It’s entirely the power company’s fault. This death was 100% preventable.

I suspect playing outside (likely in clothing inappropriate for the situation, because who in Texas owns warm winter clothes) contributed to it, lowering his core body temperature where it couldn’t recover in the cold house. I remember it taking hours to warm up after getting cold and wet as a kid.

Why? Fun? Like it?

putting the volume and ac controls on a stupid ass screen. 

There are multiple pictures of these same people at BLM protests and on Antifa websites.

Your inability to notice armed rioters looting the Capitol building, planting explosives, and beating a police officer to death with a fire extinguisher, while committing domestic terrorism in the cause of overturning the lawful election of someone they didn’t like, is emblematic of how “it’s not bad when white people

Good. Expel, expel them all, and Trump, and his idiot offspring.

Thanks to God Susan collins is sure Trump has learned his lesson!

What you are seeing are deescalation tactics. The exact opposite of what was used against BLM protesters. It shows everything you need to know the police and who’s lives and views really matter to them.

You know who else worked to elect Warnock and should be feeling pretty good today?

“We need to be more like the Greeks and the Romans!”

I think that's a wonderful attitude, and there are a lot of men who view the issue exactly the way you do, but there are also a lot of men who don't, and have a lot of incredibly cruel things to say to and about women whose bodies don't conform to their idea of "acceptable" (ever heard the term "roast beef curtains"?

"Fixed?" You're kidding, right?

I've said it before and I'll say it again. If your partner is turned off by the look of your labia, something was going wrong well before you showed it to him or her.