

I'm glad I made you laugh, and thanks for the cookie, and I have to concede some mistakes. But I stand my ground.

Now playing

So how many people are going to continue the myth that the V10 in the Viper is a truck engine? The one common element between the two is the 10 cylinders, that's it. You'd think an automotive journalist would get it right.

How could you say that? The most desired piece - the I - is clearly a phallic symbol. Deliberately created as a 'finishing' piece to condition players to derive satisfaction from driving them down tight spaces and rewarding them with a satisfying sound, shivering vision and a temporary relief of stress giving them a

It is a sad commentary on the mind-numbing absurdity of some of the comments in this thread that I did not immediately recognize your words as obvious sarcasm.

all of the high fives for that.

Well of course it was consensual. I mean, if they didn't like it, they would have left, right?

All the fives pour vous!

By the end of this, I was thinking of the commander as Sterling Archer.

This is just so great! Can you possibly name the "four fathers" for us?

It's alright.

Alright, then we wont discuss further. Good day.

@ this entire thread now:

Agreed. And I find the whole "cover the amount per plate" thing to be absurd. I am not paying for your decision to have an over the top wedding.

Next time I go out with friends, I will pour one out in honor of my forgotten homies.

Also, although your condescension is appreciated, it doesn't make me want to trust you.

Jason, this is a good explanation. I'm nitpicking here, but the ONLY thing I can find that isn't *exactly* correct is saying "one foot-pound is the energy required to displace one pound of matter one foot."

Nice. But I'm a diesel guy. We worship at the altar of Torquemada

You mean you might have to be aware of context and act as per that?
