
I wouldn’t take too much heed on the IMDB rating of a movie with themes like this one. Especially one with very few ratings. This sounds like absolutely perfect fodder to offend the stormfront neckbeard snowflake.

Dude needs a kick in the balls with a steel toed stiletto.

There’s an option C. He’s not really that bright, and had a personal connection to her, or wanted to.

You’re not ruining anyone’s day.

Y en qué placa madre vas a meter 1tb de ram?

Los vale? Si, si la vas a aprovechar.

Because I put forth somewhat cogent but unerringly boring comments, which means people neither love nor hate-read me.

AMLO is a populist, and while left leaning, he’s more interested in centralizing and consolidating power.

I define it as the kind of movie where you’d use a genre to start describing it, rather than the type of story.

So you’re the gatekeeper?

That’s such a common and disgusting argument. And, like most pro-rape arguments, never seems to pop up in other crimes (or if it pops up, it's as an aggravating factor!).

So you don’t want to have an english language?

Jesus. Thanks for writing this.

Oh, for sure. Everything that made him a risk also made him perfect for the part.

Ten years later, we usually forget he was a massive risk for Marvel.

Its not selling well because “great, we must america keep” is right there and the dumbass missed it.

Then again, the solution was one they came up withunder a severe time pressure, while needing to get a literal demon literally hellbent on antagonizing them to agree to it.

I don’t think he’s a good fit.

Pues no la mitad, pero si debe ser más barato de lo que sería.

I think the problem with this movie is that they tried to Endgame Starwars, but don't really have the story and character capital for it.