
Or his hair razor.

My guess is that Strange “tried” that, and it invariably ended up with a very pissed, armless Titan killing everyone in there, followed by every hero on Earth. If it took us 5 minutes to come up with that plan, he probably also saw that timeline develop.

And they don’t fear, either. What’s your point?

Then burn him if and when he tries to get uppity? Before this episode, there was at least a chance of her keeping the title. As of this second, every westerosi, including Jon Snow, should be deep in the “King Snow” wagon.

I very specifically said “sees herself” for a good reason.

Well, and HBO, though I'm not sure "works" is the right way to put it.

Jesus, that’s your takeaway?

Couldn’t disagree more.

Then why wait until everyone surrenders, and then having the lull? And why pay any attention to the outer zones, instead of the Red Keep and Cersei?

Ah, ok. So she’s an evil megalomaniacal idiot.

That’s how it’s usually interpreted, but it’s not necessarily correct.

Ah, so she’s an idiot, then.

Bad take.

Problem is, no, he didn’t do anything worthwhile.


That has to be the worst take possible.

She already had their fear. Everyone was terrorized. The Lannister army yielded from the bottom up. There was no general order to surrender.

At some point, GoT was indeed Prestige TV. Or at the very least, in the running to be.  It’s been several years since it started running straight away from that, though.

No it didn’t.

No it didn’t.