
Yeah. I’ve been there. It’s fucking horrifying. The place has a certain weight on your lungs. Like the air is leaded. I couldn’t even bring myself to take photos of the site, despite being a prolific travel photographer. I can’t fathom wanting a smiling hoto in there.

More appropriate to the current topic:

That summit was an absolute riot.

So just because they have money, it’s OK to be an asshole to them and causing them some very stressful weeks, and making an adaptation nightmare for their kids just for kicks?

As Renard said. He’s not giving them instructions. He’s just saying that the first-minute expectation of his presidency will be.

God, looking back to the Al Smith dinners with Obama/McCain and Obama/Rmoney gives me a massive sad. Or rather. Sad!

Maginot line, too.

Peña Nieto is pretty much Mexico’s Trump. An idiot manchild with silly hair put there because he’s easily manipulated by special interests, who won thanks to a mixture of idiots, media malfeasance, split votes and sexism.

You’re either 22, or well unaware of how things work.

1.- That’s a weak-ass answer. “you just had to suffer the movie again to get an implausible explanation” is weapons grade bull. That’s ignoring that the impact of a superman-sized, superman-fast mass on your chest as depicted is lethal in itself. 

1. It’s a movie, not a documentary. That the writers wrote themselves into a corner is their own problem. However, I dont mind Zod that much. Anyways, why did Supes kill the terrorist threatening Lois in BvS? He could just as easily grabbed the gun.

The other followed recently.

Yeah, you’re weird. :p

Yeah, they really hate to think their own underhanded strategies could be used against them.

Also, terribly unfair and awful as the bailouts were, they did work and did make the crisis a lot more manageable. It was fucked up that it was necessary, and we all wanted Wall St. to burn in hell... but doing that would have put major hurt on Main St. too.

That’s completely incorrect. Clinton ran with a well thought out, well defined platform. Talked a lot about it during her speeches and during her rallies.

The Democrats’ message wasn’t bad. They had two major problems:

“Wall street is filled with hungry coyotes. I think she’s lying about wanting to protect the hens... So I Shall Vote for the one who’s openly advocating letting the henhouse door open! Brilliant!”

So, a question. Why Johnson?

It didn’t feel like it would “flicker”, so much as I always thought it was a muzzle flash effect they were going for, since the frames appeared in sync with the blast sound.