
That’s OK. Nobody advocates putting then in a school.

‘Cause the Joker is cool because everyone loved Heath Ledger, and people must love this film. And so they have to have him, but can’t have him, y’knowwutimeen?

Not precisely. She can awe people with her dancing, and she goes to her magical Snydery place to do so. Nobody ends up remembering working on her fantasy, as much as what they’re doing makes them appear in it.

In wonder woman’s defense: yeah, she doesn’t have much screen time. But everyone had already proven to be idiots or psychopaths (often both) by the time they had as much screentime as WW.

Nope, because your argument is silly.

Still more efficient than internal combustion, believe it or not.

That, and they lampshade the issue whenever it crops out.

Good you found a solution to your ailment, then. I’m happy for you, honestly, I am.


My issues with idiot pa Kent go deeper in that scene.

Maybe I remember it wrong. Didn’t he try to save him, but the Joker had a fake hand?

That’s the gist of it, yeah.

Good, you know what a word means. Now, if you try hard, apply yourself, and are a bit lucky, you might one day be able to use that knowledge to good effect!

Ok, I don’t know how to break it to you, but a Windows license ain’t $40k per patient.

Batman also killed in his early outings. Point being, I think you can make Bats or any superhero kill. You only have to be very careful about it, from the motive to the method.

Oh, I agree. Neither the murderversery or the grimdarkness are the killing blows. They’re just the easiest targets to mock.

I maintain that the murdering has a lot to do with form and motive.


Bit of a joke?

No, you see, that’s part of the beauty of the plan.