
Couldn’t have said it any better myself. I am still here for David, Andrew and Raph’s writing. Jalopnik has really lost some great talent over the past year. Hopefully they can get back on track, but things have been looking worse lately.


This. I really wish David or Andrew were writing all the content here. They seem to be the only balanced automotive viewpoints of the writing staff. Its like everyone else hates cars or car culture. I have always loved Jalopnik for its irreverence and counter culture attitude, but it seems like most of the writers

Yeah, unfortunately it seems like the whole auto industry (and many other industries as well) is using any excuse to start producing product. I work for a large OEM, and they are taking as many precautions as possible (and IMO have done a great job handling this crisis so far), but they really want to start making

Fwiw...I had the pleasure of visiting the factory in Molsheim in 2017, and its just as clean as a hospital. Also, there were maybe 15 people working in a relatively large space. Not saying they should be resuming production yet, but I am way more worried about a large OEM car factory than Bugattis facility. 

Ford employees can hardly afford TP? What are you talking about? They are one of the few car companies who haven’t layed off workers in the past few weeks. They also pay pretty competitive salaries to white collar workers and factory workers get paid well per their contract through UAW.

You would be surprised. I have worked on more than one project that has been shelved for a year or more and actually made it to production. Not always in its original form, and with design and engineering updates to make it market relevant.

I had the pleasure of having an hour long conversation with Frank Stephenson many years ago during Monterey car week. At the time I was a car design student, and he was kind enough to give me critique(as well as the offer to email him stuff if I wanted crit or advice). A totally nice guy and an epically talented

You are correct sir. In fact, we use silver dynoc(a metallic stretchable film) to evaluate clay models in the design studio. Silver makes it very easy to see subtle surface variations, which is important when we are finalizing surfacing on a new car.

Hope the homeowner makes a speedy and full recovery, and the driver sits in jail for a long time.

Had a chance to meet him very briefly during Monterey Car Week. Undoubtedly one of the best drivers of all time and a nice guy as well. RIP!

Yeah probably true, especially at Porsche hq. Although since Gemballa is a german tuner, at least a few of them had to have liked it back then.

Sweet. Slightly related...If you havent already, you should watch the documentary- a faster horse. I believe its available on Amazon Prime Video. It goes into great deal about the early mustang development and has loads of cool period footage.

As someone who works as a designer at a major oem, can confirm that many awesome projects never see the light of day.

Please keep buying pickup trucks. We need every sale we can get, otherwise many people will loose their jobs. Also, every one we sell is that much more money that we can put into enthusiast cars(which never make much money) or EV/future technology.

Get out of here with your logic. Trucks are bad and brown manual miata wagons are good!

I like to think the readership here is made up of mostly intelligent people who get their news from actual news sources. Coming to a irreverent car blog for your news about coronavirus...I guess now you can. 

Business Insider huh...

I heard she bought up all the stock of gold leaf instead of tp. 

I get that, and I understand why they would write an article about his tweets(anything with Elon Musk in the title is guaranteed a certain amount of clicks, wether it is a fanboy article or a hit piece), but my point was simply that if you are looking to an automotive/commercial space executive to get your information