
You have been trolled.

@Mister_Jack: It's a tough job, but Ashcraft bites the bullet and he DOES IT.

@@ph15h~!: A++++++++++++++++++++++ considering. Top soon-to-be seller. Will pretend to buy again!

Considering their development team is tiny, it's understandably that their development times are pretty large. Such amazing games by such a small team take time.

Is that just the big-name, world reknowned composers that are raking in that kinda money in video games? Or are Jesper Kyd and Kazumi Totaka pulling a cool $100,000 per game as well?

I buy games so I can PLAY them, not watch them.

People steal stuff in Japan!?

@Chances: Well if you love it so much why don't you just marry it!?!

"I had just arrived at work. A few minutes before 9 - better to be early - just to be safe. As I walked down the hallway toward me desk, my collegues greeted me in the usual manner. 'What a nice place this is!' I thought as I turned on my workstation. I hung my jacket on the rack as I looked at my computer blankly as

Looks like Capcom's out to get us Western gamers with how fucking well RE5 appeals to my testosterone-laden, "play as a really buff dude and beat the fuck out of stuff with lots of blood and gore HOLY SHIT THIS IS FUCKING AWESOME" Western tastes!

The company can't lose if they let this one get released:

Fuck me. If I saw a MOTHERFUCKING BUS decaled up with images of a game PLAYING TRAILERS THROUGH THE WINDOWS; I'd go buy that fucking game ASAP. I wouldn't give a shit if that game was Ubisoft's "Imagine: Tax Accounting" I'd still go fucking buy it.

The merger can mean one of two things:

"It's about thirty minutes of Me, talking. What more could you ask for?"

Aint NO ONE fuckin with Soulja Boy

What the FUCK did I just watch!?!

When I first glimpsed at the picture Luke put in the post, I thought that was Agent 47! I was incredibly excited and clicked on the post without reading the title, hoping for some incredible new Hitman 5 footage! And then I realised it wasn't Agent 47 at all................ ;_;