
I have thought since Michael Vick that there should be zero tolerance for felons in football, PERIOD. An NFL career (or any professional sports career)should be a privilege, easily lost for fucking up! There are THOUSANDS of great players waiting in the wings for these team positions, and they should be plugged in

Just for nostalgia's sake, I actually DVR'd a few day's worth (dorky, I know.) I let them play while I was making dinner. It was fun, but they seemed to have a very limited playlist for the week I recorded. It probably is related to whatever was the top twenty for the week, I assume, so maybe I'll record once or twice

Actually, I was shocked to find out they still do! From about 6 am to 9am!

.....and that is why I will always be a member of my teacher's union. I will go to my rep and simply tell him/her, "Make it so." :) Set me up with a co-teacher, schedule one of the security to cover for me for 10 minutes a day, get the AP to cover for me herself, whatever it takes.

I am ashamed to admit I read this book (I was weak, and gave in to the hype.) This scene of their first kiss in the elevator was the ONLY part that I thought was hot.

The key point is "overdose". You can overdose on tons of stuff (you can overdose on water!), but in a court of law, the liability would be on you for not following label directions, not the manufacturer. BC is dangerous for some people at regular therapeutic doses, thus the Rx.

Queen Amidala approves.....

Good, wonderful, BUT WHERE IS THE FIGHT TO REVERSE CITIZENS UNITED??!! That's the root of aaaaalllll of this bullshit!

Won't happen. The liability is too high. There are too many risks to taking oral hormones without medical supervision. For example, women who smoke and take the pill have a high risk for blood clots and heart attacks.

Welcome to Wonderland, Alice! Maybe it will help if you think about it this way: They want the 1950's back, period. Dad The Powerful White Manly Man is working, mom is cooking in heels and pearls, all of the neighbors look exactly like him, women who get pregnant out of wedlock "go live with Gramma upstate" and are

I hate when they leave things so sheer like that. I know we should not be prudes about nips, but it is needless distraction/shock value that distracts from the beauty of the garments. To me, that counts against the skill of the designer. A talented designer is one who can design beautiful clothes that cover the body

And it is all these fans and this partnership that is exactly WHY he should be called out NOW, and lose the deal!! I am sick and tired of people trying excuse bad behavior and remove consequences, just because money is involved! If you are famous with a lot of followers, especially KIDS, I'm sorry, but you should be

"Nash Grier fag apology" is not coming up yet on suggested Google searches... we've got work to do!!

....and a puppy, too, right?!?!

YES!! WTH is with the Christmas music?? And it's the sad, Borg-cousin of real music, the electronic, cell-phone-ringer version of music! I had a truck that parked UNDER MY SECOND FLOOR WINDOW after school for at least two hours every friggin' day where I used to live. I HATED IT, because I wanted to nap after school!

I'm having this problem right now with Chris Brown, of all people. No, I will not accept your middle school essay in a folder with a picture of a violent misogynist on it, child....

This is why I hope to Gawd that brick-and-mortar stores never go out of business. I try to order stuff online, and it turns into weeks worth of mailing returns and different sizes back and forth! I would rather give up a half-day and go to the mall, try stuff on, and get it over with!!

There's also a cup of hot water + ketchup +pepper= tomato soup. Plus ask for crackers. No joke, I've had somebody order that.