
Anyone else skeeved out by pigtails on women over the age of 12? Ugh!

Oh HELL yes. I WANTED those boys... my thirteen-year-old self wasn't sure what I wanted them FOR, but I just knew I wanted them for something!! LOL! John Taylor... mmmm....

Robert Redford looks good in anything. He is my Senior Citizen Crush, after Sean Connery....

Avacado green and HARVEST GOLD counter tops and appliances

At least down here in Miami, most of the high schools wear uniforms now. Khakis and polos!

i keep hearing this from my friends and Mr. Fabulosa..."keep it up, after a few weeks, you'll start to feel great after you work out!"...... NEVER. HAPPENS. Weeks and weeks (8+).... STILL SUCKS. ZERO JOY. How do you do it? All I ever feel is .... sore. Oh, and nausea and splitting headaches. :-[

I know you aren't gonna run anyway, but just some advice from a fellow F/G cup, if you ever need it: a wiiide Ace bandage, wrapped snug but not tight so you can still breathe, THEN the wireless sportsbra of your choice (and probably a cute little t shirt, cos the Ace looks wierd.) Worked like a charm. #BigBoobProblems

I'm wondering if the title is clickbait...

Oh. My. Gawd. THAT WAS HILARIOUS (the video, not your medical condition!) Time for another Supernatural marathon to get caught back up!!!

I had the Yardbird eggs less than two months ago... I see where they were going with them, and the filling was de-lish, but the eggs themselves were rather soft-boiled, not hard. Thick, creamy deviled-egg filling needs a harder boiled egg white! I was disappointed. (Not to mention, ten bucks for ... I think it was 4

After pancakes for breakfast, I suggest you use some of that expensive syrup to make Maple-Pecan Glazed salmon! (I 86'd the horseradish in this recipe, doubled all the glaze ingredients, and added some cornstarch. YUMMERZ....)

This! This is why I can't wrap my head around NOT wearing underwear, as a female; especially if one is Bootaylicious & Thighly Gifted, like meselfs... Breathable cotton delicates, please!

Don't forget "flesh". Urg! Don't even like typing the word!

I was just thinking this, and you beat me to it. Nice free way for her to get clicks on her site....

From my year & 1/2 as a steakhouse waitress, "Well-done" to the customer means NO pink or red, especially the juice (if any is left!) For some reason, the customers would always explain, "I don't want to see any blood!" My thoughts were (never verbalized, of course!) "A: It's not blood, it's liquid fat, and B: If you

I'm genuinely curious... why do you feel that if the victim survives, the punishment should be less? The INTENT of the perpetrators was the same, and with 19 stab wounds, the victim's survival was pure luck. Why should that have an effect on the sentencing? Won't that just result in the perpetrators making sure to be

I want more well-read, educated individuals with developed critical thinking skills, who use logic and reason to make decisions. The fact that people with higher levels of education tend to vote Democratic should tell you something (and that the science-deniers are all Republican should tell you more...)

It's a chain. My sorority took us pledges to one in Broward County, Florida back in the Nineties.