
I stopped watching Season 1 or 2 when Geoffrey and Cersei had What's-Her-Name's Direwolf killed just to be assholes. I'm just glad to see that the little blonde fucker's dead. I MIGHT pick up watching again where I left off, knowing he finally gets his at some point!!

create a burner email account and anonymously send her the link. I wasted a LOT of valuable time with a cheating jerk, and if I had known, I would have gotten out a lot sooner, and I wouldn't be having fertility problems now that I found the RIGHT guy. Do your friend a favor before she wastes more time!

Wait, you mean to tell me that last video is a real dude? Like, not a parody video from somewhere? Oh, lord help us all. The Apocalypse must be nigh. (And I am officially Olds.)

I'm trying to award you extra stars!! Yes!!!

I'm assuming it had to do with the color of the packaging. I admire pageandpetals' restraint. I would have probably said something to that stupid wench and given the kid a free pink hand sanitizer!

I wish I could find a way to hide all the baby stuff on my Facebook feed without just hiding all of my friends' posts, not because I'm hating on babies, but just the opposite. Mr. Fabulosa and I have been trying to make Junior Fabulosas for a while now, and it is not going well. Seeing all those babies every friggin'

This blogger discusses all of your points as well, and has some great resources... not to mention her awesome sense of humor!

*ahem* *whispers* Name of episode, please? *hides behind curtain* *peeks out*

if it was a working industrial Hobart, those dishes were sterilized, even without soap, I guarantee you... The one at the restaurant I worked in was so hot, the dishes coming out would give you second degree burns.

You're lucky you had a good server. I knew servers who took secret glee in tricking vegetarians into eating some kind of meat or dairy. I guess they had to find some evil stimulation in their sad lives.

This is the best answer ever. You have hit the nail directly on the head. Add in the ease and speed of every cockamamie theory spreading over the Web overnight with no thought or time for reflection; the fact that all the tin-foil-hatters now have the tech and knowhowto SPREAD these cockamamie theories beyond their

They are trying to make it look like she has a thigh gap... badly. I do believe I have a case of the vapahs over this GIF, milord B! Daaaaaaaayyummmm......*swoon*

O.K., who else is amazed by the two little KIDS kicking butt on stage near Pharrell?? That little girl and boy are AMAZING.

Screw your walnuts; PECANS FOR THE WIN! Apples, raisins, celery, pineapple, pecans, and just enough light mayo to hold it together! YES!

I feel sad for your family! REAL Waldorf salad is a tradition in my Southern family, both winter and summer, and there is NO Jello in it! Apples, celery, raisins, a LITTLE crushed pineapple, pecans, and juuust enough light mayo to make it all hold together. In the summer, sometimes we sub out the raisins for cut green

Lol! I just posted this upthread!! I weirdly liked it too!

IT's better than you think! Another one from my middle school Home Ec class was canned pear halves with mayo in the little well, sprinkled with shredded cheddar. Again, weirdly good! The cheese give you a little salt/savory to go with the sweet!