Aw, thanks! *Blush*
Aw, thanks! *Blush*
You are absolutely correct. I teach middle school English, and there is basically NO time allotted in the state-approved and provided curriculums. It's all about that big reading test in April! I try to wedge in as much writing instruction as I can, but then they jack up our class sizes so that I have almost 150…
And you can not only put your local mom-and-pop out of business by contributing to a giant corporation, you can support worker abuse!
I second your sentiment!
While I would love for Hillary to be the next prez, I actually think it's a bad idea right now. All of the crap we have had to put up with from the GOP and the TeaBarfers will just be repeated. Just cross out "Hate the black guy" and write in "Hate the uppity woman." Four to eight more years of this GOP fuckwittery…
It's Rule 34!!
I was going to ask, is anybody else worried about the doggie approaching the road right after the pigeon crossing??
I am a state-certified Language Arts teacher, and I commend your comma usage, sir!
I have the opposite problem as an English teacher. I have the spellings in front of me, but the pronunciations the kids and parents insist on have nothing to do with the letters in their names. Sorry, Jaineese, the way it is spelled, according to English rules, your name is JY-neese, not JUHneese, and you need to get…
I guarantee he did not ever really live alone, not really. He was probably an Italian Momma's boy who could do no wrong, and was trained that way from birth. DipshitEx was Italian, and while not .... QUITE as bad as the dude in the book, I DEFINITELY remember having some similar conversations about what was "expected"…
Just an FYI, I will be appropriating and using "yarbles" frequently. I hope you don't mind.
Yah, I kept getting Santorum AND Romney ads. Every logon, it took several minutes to *X, *Against my views, over and over and over....
I have fun as a middle-school teacher doing this with students in the hallways. I DON'T move out of the way, even if the kid is two feet taller than me. I am the ADULT, and a WOMAN, and YOU will get out of MY way, kid! (And yes, I have had kids faceplant in my chest when they lose the game of chicken.... They die of…
YUP! I used to work in a pet store in NC> My manager actually chastised me for "wasting time" answering a little boy's questions about fish (I strongly suspect my manager's problem was because the boy was black and wearing thrift-shop looking clothes, not because he was young.) My manager had to shut his trap when the…
Just an FYI, in many places in the US, 17 is well above the age of consent.
My Roxie loves Harry Potter....
hides behind hands in shame.... kind of.... I... pay.. that stupid.... $24 a year.... for the .... ICloud-ReDownload-anything-you-want-whenever-you-want..... yes, I am a corporate slave to Apple Overlords....*sobs in shame*
DA LAW IS THE LAW.... as long as it is not the Affordable Care Act law... dat one haz to go. ...... Oh, and that Roe v. Wade Law thingy... that's got to go too.... BUT THE REST OF THE LAWZ IS THE LAW!!
My souvenir from my once-in-a-lifetime, big-city trip to Manhattan (Country Girl here!) was a $40 black wool-and-silk shawl/scarf from the big Macy's. 10 years on, still looks perfect, and great memories! Who needs Hermes??
Yes! I want all of the sparkly stuff!! I think I was a bird in another life.... But at least we can get the jewelry!!