
Go have a baby after 24 hours labor. Then report back about pain thresholds. Regardless, women have the chops to compete. The men running the show keep getting their 19th century ideas in their way.

Look at the physique of male F1 drivers. Honestly its more endurance muscle training. Women have naturally higher G load thresholds (proven by military science) higher pain thresholds (proven by medical science) and naturally have longer endurance ability than men due to their naturally higher body fat stores. They

South of Toronto-probably south of Hamiltion, Ontario on my way back from Christmas in Detroit, my twenty-one-year-old Volvo 242 refused to deliver it’s fuel to the engine. I had to get off the interstate to figure out the issue but no matter what I did, it would just keep crapping out every half hour or so and got

Perhaps a fine medium comprising of grandstand trash and a motif with tongue kissing Ferrari emblems.

After a long break from my Colorado home while working in the south, I walked past a nice stock 90's Cherokee today. I’ll be damned if it wasn’t nearly the size of a recent Mazda 3 hatchback plus a couple inches here and there. The Golf cross track whatever will be the size of a 90s Cherokee. 4 doors don’t surprise me

There is a reason theyre paying so much and its not just to attract foreign pilots. As an airline pilot myself, i can tell you all that we hear back from those who have gone over and the money is really to put up with the company. America and europe have work rules preventing accidents and promoting safety. Fairness

Should post a $24 cover charge deposit, the longer you stay the less you pay. All 24 hours, and you get all your money back.

Both are healthy. I might add that flip-phone sales have seen a decent rise lately in the face of the smart phone and the increasingly capable tablet and mini-tablets. I have been on paperback kicks lately, I see the prices of some new e-books and just think about how much cheaper a used paperback of the same thing

I fly these things for a living. Lightning is still something to avoid. IT hits the plane, sounds like a hammer hit you, of course because it’s freaking lightning, and passes through the airframe and gets distributed out to the atmosphere. Look at the wingtips and you’ll see these small static wicks. they dissipate

Going deep into the horn in the landing flare on most planes will always result in a nice firm thump on the mains. The heavy nose of course will bang on after from leverage. The whole point to the horn is to have it just going off when the mains kiss. Solves the problem but I can agree that there’s probably a narrow

Please explain why a Diamond Katana is flown onto the ground and not into a close full stall landing? What with being a straight wing and all and not a tail-dragger....

How special were these cars back in the heyday? How much did a GTA cost in 1970 and what was that in comparison to a Base family car? We love Alfa. Alfa is putting itself somewhere else above where it was. Please tell me they aren’t trying to be the new Mini version of itself, where the car anyone could afford and

We are assuming what was in the movie was what we have to work with. The car didn’t sound like no Peugeot-Renault-Volvo v6 I ever heard. It sounded much better. My thoughts here dictate the car had better performance than stock. I would guess Emmet Brown, the award winning doctor in some but not all dimensions, had

Steve Jackson is missing the boat entirely. He needs to bring out Car Wars in a format like this.

Chewy, without any grey hair around his muzzle or back? How is he still alive anyway? A St.Bernard wont live more than 10 years on average cause its so does that thing live that long?

Asshole detection: The car's ability to know when the driver is becoming an asshole, and communicate locally so it can also alert you when other cars driven by assholes are near. This can be shared to social media so you can see on your obscuring-line-of-sight mounted GPS/iphone on the windshield where the asshole

That's one I wish there was footage of from the first flight.

Despite inherent limitations, I still want a straight-8 in that.

Well that, yeah. But my car in college and after was a 242 Volvo. There was room to reach anything and touch anything that was broken, except for the heater core which meant removing the entire dashboard to get to it and I let my mechanic do that. Otherwise, I could do every filter change, spark plug change, waterpump