
Jolie should direct it. she pulls no punches.

That 25% increase in emissions comes from burning 20s to light cigars.

“A room that was probably built by slaves mind you”

HOA says they will support the RV presence when they need the RV presence. They pointed out that its not necessary right now. And they are right. I don’t call that a dick move.

The posthumous grand master wizard stylist and Präsident of the facial hair federation of facial hair.

Yep. Total BS. I fly an airliner for work. Whats the resulting ivestigation for letting the autopilot fly the plane into the ground? Pilot error. This is total Driver error and inattention. 6vseconds of no hands on the wheel and didnt see a median? Head down on the phone i say.

Think of it like that guy in the bar who never listens to anyone else but always spouts off about what “they oughtta do is this...“ and everyone slowly nods because he kind of has an idea, although he has no idea at all about how anything works. That’s the guy whose now president and tries to do what he thought all

Aslong as he keeps meetings with foreign dictators in closed room with nobody to record happenings and agreements, well never know his plan.

Tony george who took a series incorporating oval, road, city courses and 90+ entered cars at indy and thought he knew better than what worked. Listened to Bill France who had a series (NASCAR) that had less ratings and notice, and promptly turned it into a series that was 20mph slower and he had to pay owners to bring

He was prominent. They talked about him and the crew. Here the media is all about one person doing it all...not similar coverage

Still waiting for the FO to get credit for doing a good job as well here in the news feeds. Its a crew. Tv and other formats seem to have forgotten he exists.

I’d very much like to know when their frequent floater program starts. Will there be a virgin galactic credit card? It’s all about those reward points ya know.

The most recently canceled version of the Viper? It’s literally the last true manual performance car. Bugeye WRX for sure if any stock ones exist later on. But look out for trucks. A restored and shiny Toyota Pickup (Hilux in america) could become interesting in a decade or two, especially a first gen 4runner, just

Something, something, old people, CADILLAC, something....

I tried one of these on and the world says people 6'-3" tall cant fit in a Europa. It also says a narrow size 12 sneaker is too wide for the Europa’s pedal clearance. The world is an asshole.

Yo Youre not supposed to feel anything. Its who sees you driving it that are supposed to feel something when presented with a superior’s convertible status.

I WAS all about the xps13, until i tried the Lenovo X1 carbon. Keyboard is now the best made since apple nerfed their keytravel and the xps isnt much better. Its even got a place to put the digipen and it charges it there! Thats the one to get next for me, and my last 6 laptops/notebooks have all been dell.

Jim Hall laughs at your silly new windscreen invention.

Also prompted McLaren into testing the Lambo v12 which he loved, even after it shot a piston into the air.

How did you find this? Ice been searching for “future race cars” or “sci-fi racing” and across Pinterest and deviant art have found cool stuff but not this at all. Thanks for this. Now i have to go find an F-zero game instead of Christmas shop.