
Everyone knows of the W8 vector. The front end, the design of the glass fittment, the windshield wipers-look at them! Especially the body crease of the side I could never get over those parts. the only downside visually is the read deck but honestly, such a monumental, and mental, design I so badly wanted to see

Hooray! (says nobody)

Dad had an '83 chevy celebrity eurosport. Threw a rod at 96k miles. I had an '01 focus, fuel system started crapping at 105k. Had a '79 Volvo 242, fuel system started crapping at 120k-strung along until 145k and then i couldn't afford to fix. I want to believe, truly like Automotive-Agent Mulder I do, but luck is

I hope someone mentioned the 80's Audi 5 cylinder quattro, that whole long 5 cylinder thing was mounted out there, so much so the radiator was moved to the side.

I wonder how many of these they would have needed to fight those fires. Honestly, the unit cost to produce vs. actual numbers needed would make the production possibly not worth it.

(next article) Response: "Modern F1 cars think Niki Lauda is bullshit." Now, I'm all for big power big wing corner exit power sliding and noise like the next meat eater, but Greg Moore and Bobby Allison and the final year of Group B kind of showed everyone that big power will indeed separate men from boys, but it is

Next article for you. Convincing the wife to accept that she is indeed a full on Soccer mom and how to convince her to buy the Van. Skinny stretch pants wont make a very large person not look very large. In fact, the big A-hole SUV with the bejewled cell phone starbucks mom helping the kids down for the back seats

*sigh*...I've got to quit procrastinating the floor replacement on my '78. He's right. 0-60 and power and 'ring time' means nothing. It's how fun the car is and that car feels like it's doing a thousand miles per hour everywhere you go-and it's really doing 40.

Recline your seat slowly. don't slam it back. it can actually hurt some peoples knees if they're not seeing it coming. with that said, the person on front PAID for that seat and everything that comes with it. that includes the ability to recline....just like your seat. Unless you are going to compensate someone for

I've met a pro or two, and they need to me as good at self-marketing as they are at driving. Finding the sponsors, showing them that their money is indeed worthwhile. Even if a team sponsor takes up a non-pay driver, they want that driver to promote their money and be a face of their own promotion. It's not just being

As a pilot of those planes, I can attest to what happens. Straps get caught in other bags, conveyor belts, etc. They get pulled on, yanked on, stepped on, run over, etc. It's not the airlines fault either, its the million straps per seat like uncontrollable tentacles. Plus the seat is designed to have everything

Is it April 1st again? I like April 1st.

nastier would be a flat-8 cayman...but they would never stop developing an inferior drivetrain flagship. oh snap!

Waiiiit a second. you're telling me an 850 Volvo won't die? Well, it won't last as long as a redblock that's for sure but it has no problems?

Traffic cameras generating income....Buffalo, NY records show the cost to maintain them eating up any extra revenue they generated.

The whole point of what i stated has to deal withn the article. It states the reduced time to stop of a car at 25mph being drastically less, therby reducing the chance to hit a pedestrian. The issue I have with that is how much time a car behind that car has to also stop...being reduced to near zero. BAM! rear-ending.

The reaction time available to anyone travelling behind this amazing stopping power of a 25mph car is drastically reduced and knowing how everyone in NY maintains safe distances, will still have a zero time to stop a rear-ending event. Plus how about we change this 1 in 10 chance to a 0 in 10 chance by eliminating

Because turbo with a 6-speed manual in a 4-seat car that's not built completely like a flexibile p.o.s. ? That's what I dig them for. What else does GM make that's a good value for what you pay and isn't the bage markup of caddy or a retro car camaro?

There is tremendous pushing in the FAA to allow drone use by other agencies of law enforcement for cost reasons. Imagine that helicopter flying over LA 24 hours a day now replaced by a drone doing the same thing for a quarter of the cost. That's their thinking anyway - police departments all over the country with
