
Those in first class will experience something super special. Twice the impact force of those in the tail section in the minor chance of impact. The difference? The aft force is survivable. First class force? Not. Enjoy that Chad and Bunny!

The editor has to approve everything published. The editor did a sorry job on a world level agency position. Fact checks became lazy in his/her world. I'm tired of weaksauce journalism. Facts presented must be correct for proper news. Letting that piece through is pure lazy on the editors part....this is a world level

What do you mean planes need to stop crashing? even after this year, you are still safer in a plane than you are in a car. One plane crashes....2 people in this one died...and its international news. A car crash in Chicago downtown kills two and I don't see or hear of a single thing of it on FoxNews ever. Planes are

This. You see cheap isn't crap. With people like Lockheed engineers, proper engineery people, creating something good and affordable to build and not in it for the money then it can work. I've got 10k+ hours behind props and jets and i would fly it if designed by these guys. The problem of unreliable crap is when

The trail-braking perfection.

looks like one of the solid boosters didn't burn right giving assymetrical thrust. GREAT example of how sound travels. the delay was amazing given the distance. Such a huge explosion blast was quite a surprise.

Really? Oh do bring on the speed2!!

Try this one on. You sttend cars n coffee orautocrosses regulatly. Traffic cameras see you going to and from designated areas that have events like that. Now your unofficially profiled as an at risk speeder offender and the cops now are watching for you because their computers alert them to your presence. All of this

Ahh nice. Thanks Matt. I also wonder how their relationship with ford will influence their performance output of the speed3 competing against the ST...hamstrung or no limits to compete?

Whys it fatter? The previous one was the right size. A fat 3 is just an old 6. the miata hasn't bloated much....why go down this road? Will the 2 get fatter? Will the 2 become the size of the old 3?

This is bullshit. The dealers are selling cars direct online as well via web page. There is no language that can possibly justify this other th as n "were scared of the future marketing...protect us!"

Thank you for the related mention. I dooes what I cans

Perhaps. But the audi S1 was not good at handling on pavement. It was a pushy pig really. So they might habe it right well see. Sideways was its mantra. I'd like to see their dirt footage.

Volvo P1800 could sorely use one.

How will the legitamate news agencies have their freedom of the press?

Well he would look completely silly in a Mini wouldn't he? especially with that cape! However I don't think a mild mannered newspaper man could afford a power wagon, especially one that's been tweaked on by Chip Foose or whoever does themed things...OCC perhaps?

Ahhh thank you thank you Raphael!

Honestly, WE would love the BMW m6 on a drive to Florida. HE wanted a mushmobile for that drive. Having been in a Ford flying boat LTD before, a mushmobile is very relaxing on a long long drive. Ican kind of see where he is coming from. He must have had an overly sensitive posterior.

Fox mustang in Rally America. Engine equivalency allowed a 383 stroker. 450 hp dirt powered rockets!

I drove a 1981 Jetta Diesel in my youth. 51hp. 60mpg as long as i stayed at the 55mph speed limit of the tie. I was so excited it could do 40 in second gear! It did have VERY good handling, but the most fun was using the choke to create huge smoke clouds in the High School parking lot after class got out. Once