Grindhead Jim

Well, that’s... okay. I mean, fraud is bad, for sure, but 30 years for not fulfilling 118 orders seems harsh, and the customers still don’t have their money. Why not order her to... oh, never mind. Weird stuff.

If you look at the (lack of) effort they’ve put into the experience so far, I really wouldn’t hold your breath on software. They can’t even be bothered to give meaningful tools to streamers in their own interface. As someone who avidly creates content on YouTube, let me say that they are just now barely getting the

YouTube isn’t providing any new services for streamERS, just the streamEES. If you don’t like OBS, you should honestly figure out why, and fix it. The Multiplatform version of it has more features than any other free streaming software out there, and it’s free.

Google won’t come close. Their streamer interface is proof

While the mobile enduser experience may be superior, the content creator experience is horrendous. YouTube isn’t competing directly with Twitch, so much as providing an alternative for certain types of streams. Traditional, live-only shows shouldn’t have huge problems; though the automatic archiving, combined with the

I love how many of the cries for this rightfully-upset man to “learn English” are in the context of typos and misspellings. *slow clap*

*slow golf clap* I really hope Tecmo doesn’t want us to believe that they are this stupid. This two and a half year old game is still relevant in the news. It’s calculated on some level, and I refuse to believe otherwise.

For me, this is game of the year, if only for showing us that even the cultiest of cult favorites can stay relevant. I've been a fan of the series for fifteen years, and I tell everyone who will listen that this is one of the most unique and consistently fun gaming experiences of any generation.

Olli Olli is a must have... It's like pixelated heroin.

Best Kotaku comment EVAR.

Frankly, I find that the discounts on store items that I can keep more than pay for the service alone. The games are icing on the cake, and, as a PS3, Vita, and PS4 owner, I'm eating a lot of cake. Between GameStop Rewards, trials, a bundled year with my Vita, and buying a year for $29.99 over Black Friday, I'm paid
