These tweets were whatever. I demand better.
These tweets were whatever. I demand better.
AH, I see. I thought people were implying that the stories were entirely made up. I do believe Kris would do something like that. I just don't see why. Has Khloe done something wrong that they're trying to get ahead of? Pretty sure people would already sympathize with her in a divorce even if he was just cheating on…
I don't think it's that mysterious. Whitney Houston used crack cocaine. When it comes to drugs, I don't think it's a money thing. If you party a lot or do a lot of recreational drugs, you'll just use whatever is around.
I HATED when she smacked her back up dancer's ass. It was the most offensive part of the whole thing. Right after her tongue.
I'm sad about Lamar Odom. I know some people are saying that this is all a lie being spread by Kris Jenner to make Khloe look good in the divorce but idk. We haven't heard a lot about Khloe and Lamar lately except for rumors about Lamar cheating and being aggressive with a paparazzi. Seems like things someone on drugs…
Hm, I strongly agree that art is subjective and that not all types will appeal to everyone. I don't think when it comes to Gaga though that it's a matter of not being smart enough to understand what she's doing. I actually love Gaga's music (before this current stuff) and I've been to THREE of her shows. Seriously, I…
Yeah if this screen grab is accurate, they are reacting to Gaga.
But it shows Gaga on the little screen. Either way, IA with their reactions.
Idk someone usually does it for me because I'm a dummy. How the hell do Krysten Ritter and Dita keep their hair so BLACK
I've never tried that one because it's more expensive than the others but I will try it now. I already barely wash my hair! SIGH
It sticks to everything except for the top part and area right above my forehead. IDK WHY! It's so annoying. I barely wash my hair as it is. I used to use the Feria and stopped so I think I'll try it again and actually pay attention this time.
Dude, Daily Mail has the worst writing. Sometimes I go over there just to read the story icons on the right hand side. They're hilariously worded.
Ladies who dye their hair black!
Hahahaha I like your translation better.