
JJ: What’s the last movie you saw?

Yes, but it's surprising to hear because Kanye doesn't come off as someone who adjusts himself to other people.

The baby is very cute.

Kanye sounds so weird in that Kris interview. I guess I'm so used to him saying ridiculous, crazy things that when he just takes a moment to be sweet and sincere it's unexpected.

No custody issues

NO. Leave DEMI ALONE!!! She is recovering beautifully from all her issues and someone wants to release naked photos of her? REALLY?

LBrave New World is one of my favorites.

Blindness sounds heavy. I feel like they made a movie with that plot?


Exciting! Hopefully I can get to it soon. I am finishing 2 books right now and then school starts so it may be a little bit. Whenever that is, I will find you on Jez and let you know what I thought of it. I always notice your posts so it won't be too hard.

Sisters Brothers looks awesome!!

You just bumped this to the top of my list by describing it as mind-blowing. That's what I want to hear!

The reviews on Amazon for Gilead look very passionate. I like that!

Like books that when you finish reading the last page, you just sit there like "woah, why isn't everyone talking about this shit?"

Sounds like a very heavy book from the description, but one that will be enlightening.

I'm totally fine with physical copies! In fact, I prefer them.

Bad Romance is totally a modern classic in my opinion. And the video was worthy of the song.

"narrated by a very snarky Grim Reaper"

I didn't even specify sci-fi but that's kind of what I wanted. Both of these are awesome suggestions.

Both of those look very good and up my alley. Thank you!!