Doktah Doktah

I was thinking about buying the BLOPS4 but i waited and by the time i was thinking about it again they added the loot boxes. Looking at anything for the new one disappoints me because i know the loot boxes and microtransactions are going to get shoved in and ruin what will at least be a pretty fun experience. 

Cant be triggered if you are always in trigger mode

Overwatch has been one of the most dissapointing pieces of writing in the last 3 years. Its spent those years building up to nothing still. They brag about tracer being gay but don’t have the balls too say it in game where it counts. When Activision was tanking and things we’re looking bad they annouced Jack Morrison

There is no story for overwatch. Just lore.

Maybe hes poorly represented because he was treated poorly in thr facility intentionally so he could become a living weapon.

This is a non issue. Hes an evil mad man and this costume does not represent the state of mental health in our world. All the characters in Overwatch are stereotypes. Except Winston and Hammond because im not sure how you stereotype a hamster and a gorilla.

Science says no. But you won’t believe them anyway.

Hope he invests his money wisely. Because i think his bubble broke. And hes sailing down to quite a modest career.

Black Ops 4 added loot boxes months after release Crash Tean Racing did. Activision took the praise and then shit on the consumer. You dont fuck over the customer. The trick is to not buy the game and bitch about it.

Retail in genral. I love working the industrial field. High wages, easier work, and no sight or working with the general public. I would tell anybody to get a job at a factory and avoid retail like the plague.

I hate to see people lose their jobs but fuck Gamestop and its shady works. I avoid them because i just want the game not the sales pitch. I quit trading games because they arent worth thr little amount they give you, their push for pre orders and selling that worthless card. They treat their employees as disposable

This feels like somebody is taking advantage of the system. What do you provide to your audience while you feed. I don’t see content that she is presenting besides herself. So no video games, etc. Twitch may no longer be about just video games. But her content is her and when presenting breastfeeding it is content she

Next time name your character Voldemort and you won't have any problems.

Already on top of that

Also lets not forget call of duty added loot boxes months after its release. Its not a dont play it issue. Its about them showing up where they dont need to be. Did a single player game need loot boxes? Shadow of War did apprently.

Wow we are really making this an esport?

Sometimes you can’t ignore them. The system is rigged againsnt you for not spending. Call of Duty, Battlefront 2, FIFA. all these games reward or were rewarding you for spending extra on a fully priced experience. Complaining about microtransactions no matter how small is people saying they are done with the

This is like Fish Mechanics. Nobody cares your talking about and somebody else already did it.

Nah. Get ready for single player. Live service!

How quick and easy it was for Bethesda to go from the good ol' boys to literal trash? This is like what 2 years starting with their creation club?