Doktah Doktah

I think the fanbase should be working on finding exploits for the store. If Bethesda poorly programmed the game then the store should have just as many holes. I bet Bethesda fixes any hole in the store real quick. Than Bethesda can nervously explain why a store patch could happen so fast but a gameplay patch takes so

With the system becoming 222 ending GOATS. 222 brings back dive. Is Sigma the answer to dive?

No matter how bad you think this looks. MVCI is a poster child for lack luster graphics.

I don't think anybody is getting paid right now to write overwatch. The story is striding forward in going nowhere.

I have learned to harness the very tethers that bind us.

I bet you would be complaining if it was a minority playing an evil charecter.

Played us like a damn fiddle!

This doesn’t look like a race issue. This looks like a poorly train individual looking for any reason to jump up and become a “Hero”

I think with the update rate and amount delivered nobody is satisfied. I think Baptise was the big update people wanted but that was 3 years too late.

Overwatch advertised all this story telling and talk about what happened that lead to the fall of Overwatch. But it all never goes anywhere. Because gotta have that eSports money.

Kids these days. Doing something Illegal? Better record it or how will people know you really did it?

I would be amused if this game had more of a story than Overwatch. Overwatch has a background that needs story telling. Apex has no background but gets story telling.

Your argument is quite ethical.

Waifu Wars?

Free to wait might be the better term

I play my Trap Card Terms of Service! All streams on the battlefield must be unveiled!

Thats the secret. Low quality trash with big dollar signs attached to it. If you want nice shoes with effort put into them head to Etsy.

I can’t wait to smother my feet on Sakura. I mean maybe I'll buy a pair!

This isnt a shop. This is just canon.

The excuse of Ash hitting the top of the mountain and thats the end is a flimsy excuse. No champion wins just once and never goes again. They win the title, belt, cup, or whatever. But when the next season starts they show up to win it all again.