This is an absolute failure of an idea. No matter how many subscribers what do i gain in this? Oh that streamer i like is on. Hes using sub only mode. Guess ill watch somebody else and take my donation money with me.
This is an absolute failure of an idea. No matter how many subscribers what do i gain in this? Oh that streamer i like is on. Hes using sub only mode. Guess ill watch somebody else and take my donation money with me.
Titanfall 1 was before they went overboard and Titanfall 2 did get fucked by them for releasing between Battlefield and CoD. Apex is successful because EA stayed out of it.
Its because EA is in the title and as the saying go. This is EA. They’ll fuck it up.
I suspect DMC3 is on the games files and Capcom snuck it in. 9GBs is way to big for one HD PS2 game.
Can’t same im shocked. Any sports game including FIFA is half assed. Roster update, graphics update, more micro transactions. Now lets do it again next year.
Everybody is free to like what they want.
I like the games design because the more time you invest in it the easier it becomes. But I can understand not wanting to put more then 60 hours into it.
I would buy the Switch version if i could transfer my Wii U data.
I think you have to release a game before you can be called a game division.
Im sure he will get his Twitch account back. But I like that E3 banned him. The event has 2 days left and why do we need you here?
Don’t bring your yearly release sports games to E3. Nobody is watching E3 to see EA2KNFLBA202122. Literally. Not exagurating. Nobody is tuning to E3 to see you guys release your next big sports game that you have released yearly for the past 20+ years. Stop acting like its a big deal.
This. Its not a big deal they take it. Its a big deal they make money off it.
Don’t worry. The English voice acting and the character’s lips moving out of sync made it to the final product.
I like they add this fan patch and I hope the creator got something for providing it.
I played for a couple years. You can have fun with a simple deck and win. But if you want to win alot more you got dump money.
Oh? Well explain to me how you get better cards?
Diamond tipped anti aliasing.