I like the original Teen Titans for its story, voice acting, and its good sense of humor. But I absolutely hated it for its animation style. It felt like it was trying too hard to be anime. Am I alone in that logic?
I like the original Teen Titans for its story, voice acting, and its good sense of humor. But I absolutely hated it for its animation style. It felt like it was trying too hard to be anime. Am I alone in that logic?
How it sounds watching that credit list after the game flopped.
I love the charecter designs of this game. Its very bizzare between cyborg, cyborg men, gremlins on Yoshi, but im not interested in playing another moba. I quit Heroes for Overwatch. Plus I dislike systems that involve buying armor and weapons. Too much Meta. I just want to play and go.
His cosplay is so colorful at points i thought he was a animated computer charecter at the start
That first picture is nightmare fuel.
If you can buy a house then why rent? Go out find the house you love and do what you want with it.
Hideo Kojima brings to you Silent Hill. I mean not Silent Hill. NOT Silent Hill. Cause its totally not Silent Hill. What is that? We never heard of it probably just made it up. Probably just us rambling on. Anyway Not Silent Hill by Hideo Kojima.
Playstation VR. Cool.
It actually looks like a Silent Hill / Resident Evil.
My reaction when im a white guy playing a black guy I and get to fight the KKK.
I rate this article fart/10
Oh so its gotta be a gay thing! Why cant a man or woman just like a rainbow!?