Doktah Doktah

I like how Donatello looks exactly as he does in the new show.

Reading this article confused as how this logic works.

Holding down the trigger shoots your gun faster then if you were to click it. This is mostly noticeable on Dva’s pistol.

Da butt.

I never found final fantasy to have that great of a story. But fuck everything they have amazing monster designs even if they are the same monster they a least come to each game with an entirely different look.

And again. The faceplates are upside down.

Now playing

My reaction when people say Nick isnt their favorite companion.

I think Battleborn will have more meta because of its leveling system. Which is fine if you like that. But Overwatch is easier to dive into with just some charecter’s have advantages over other charecters but its not rock, paper, scissors in terms of countering.

And Hollywood gets complaints about white washing.

“We gotta step it up guys! This time were adding 8 planets and 16 maps. Half of those were taking from the previous game.”

HAHAHAH! Your plastic toys are worth nothing now! Put them in the fire pit with the Furbies, the Beanie Babies, and the Pokemon Cards. So the fires may keep ups warm for another 100 years!

Soon to be followed up with. “Black haired kids who all look like generic goth/rock band singers take a road trip.”

Great and fun as this game maybe. Its not worth 40gb of space on my HDD.

Nobody had to die. Which is a good trope to shake off. The advertising did a good job of steering the movie in a differnet direction.

Were getting a remastered version of 3 Modern Warfare games and new game set in space? This sounds like too much to be true.

Meme is 100% on point.