
I'll try not to wax lyrical about the impact Sid has had on gaming and my life in general but...

I'm absolutely loving AoT, my only worry is that the company animating it (WIT Studio) is really having problems in terms of animation and consistency.

I'm in agreement, I actually prefer the Xbox One launch line-up, though Infamous Second Son looks amazing! (after having a PS2, XBOX, XBOX 360 then a PS3 I'm used to both) Yeah, sorry, I wasn't being serious and on the internet it's hard to tell genuine enthusiasm with sarcasm but I appreciate your understanding.

I don't think you've seen the tongue-in-cheek attitude of my posts, though I had hoped the Mission Accomplished followed by a photo of Gob Bluth opening a house (that falls apart straight afterwards) was a small clue. But let's just say I entertain your idea of losing money, IF I was already planning on buying an Xbox

Yes the nightmare is over, now if they can be bullied into a subsidized unit then Gamers have truly won, never before has a consumer rights movement been so impassioned and so fair.

As a customer; yes we are always right! As a person who sells stuff, dammit demanding customers! :)

Holy shit, I made that same joke on Twitter (ugh, I know) "I have no idea how solid these sources are regarding the MS back-track but let's hope they're solid, solid as a rock!" like 5 minutes before I found out, then I post that and you post this. Is this what they call Serendipity or did I just have Gob on the mind!

You see that gamers of the world, your opposition to anti-consumer policies (though some may have called it whining to the highest degree, not me though) have been heard, you magnificent bastards.

Sorry for slow reply, glad to hear you're well. Life is up and down, appointments with medical folk, fighting an eviction and plenty of other stuff to keep me busy.

Com on Ono, open your mind to a world of open worldliness.

"I should have killed you fifteen ninjas ago Hayabusa." - DANGER, DANGER: We are approaching Fist of the North Star level dialogue right there. Turn back before it kills you Yaiba.

Is it weird that I'm imagining a world where directors are known not by their names but by the thing that people know them for?

Call me when the day 360 version comes for $100 dollars less.

Come on give it a fair chance, that's one slice of the game. The developer know how big the humour was a part of the DR franchise, they will at least hear the vocal outrage from fans and would never screw them over, deliver a game drastically different or essentially cancel a fun much loved franchise in favour of

Ah, I shouldn't be surprised that you knew there were more great writers out there I just wanted to make sure those that didn't already know did know about that article. Like you I absolutely loved that it, if you want some good news the gamer network are in the process of opening a USgamer! :) So you can share in

You're completely right but let's not forget there are other great journalists on other sites out there in the gaming community. Eurogamer and Rock Paper Shotgun come to mind. While it wasn't an expose there was an article on Eurogamer that recently received the Grand Prize at the Games Journalism Awards.

WARNING: Vague plot points mentioned

I haven't seen SHIFT so I'm not sure if it was covered in that but these articles (and the links contained within them) will give you some more info.

Exactly, credit to them for trying to tackle the issue head on (their words not mine) and you got to respect them for it, still doesn't make it any less of a terrible decision. They would never had kept him a secret but the idea of putting him so firmly in the limelight just seems like a really, really odd decision.

Is that code for "Shit, no one trusts Dyack and our attempts to placate the masses were unsuccessful, let's go back to the drawing board, announces some big changes and hope people magically forget when we relaunch."