
A small part of me wants to diagram all those slippery, stygian sentences. However I keep that part locked in a deep dank dark dungeon next to my alliterationer.

IKR?! My own exes bother me far more than my spouse’s exes do!

I can only assume Glenn Danzig was cool with this or he would have sued Hasbro/Marvel/Sunbow.

I KNOW. Glamorous graduate school life? They’re also going to need some footage of me eating ramen in a shithole studio apartment, and, like, renewing my glamorous bus pass.

Good guy Ramsay takes care of your skin cancer. Makes sure you never have to worry about it again.

Stannis pulled an Agamemnon.

For those who don’t know, Agamemnon was the more ambitious older brother of Menelaus, the husband of Helen and who was cuckolded by Paris. Agamemnon himself was married to Helen’s twin sister Clytemnestra and had three children, Elektra, Orestes, and Iphigenia. Agamemnon put together an

I’m not the person you asked but my husband vapes. The first time he went for the cheap kind you get at the mall — that didn’t work particularly well, although he cut back on smoking a lot. Now he bought a new one that’s larger, doesn’t look like a cigarette at all but you put various flavors and nicotine in it (he’s

“The Baggins of Bag-End send their regards...”

I’ve started calling my DivaCup my Beaver Cup after a miscommunication with my mom, and now it’s even better to use.

I don’t think I’ve ever related more to any piece of art the way I am to the smoking girl. I was that girl. Vulgar and grown with a teddy bear under my pillow. As a mom now, it breaks my heart to imagine the reactions of the “nice” moms when I walked by smelling like old smoke, cussing up a storm and totally fearless.

Rape doesn’t remove agency. It doesn’t in real life, and it doesn’t on the show.

Considering how much of my free porn viewing has been funded by AdultFriendFinder’s advertising dollars, I feel the need to support them through this difficult time.

Even better. They could get them some Fried Green Boltons barbecue going on.

Or you could, you know, not be a pussy.

One thing I can't stand about Stockholm, is all the damn vampires!

I’d suggest he got the idea from Micki & Maude, but I am sadly one of the few people who saw and/or remember that film.

A friend of a friend apparently slept with Henry Rollins, and when he came, he yelled ‘FEEL THE SEED OF ROLLINS!’.

I think Louis CK said that, by the time you’re 40, no one cares about you. They just expect you to do your job. That’s about right.

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I prefer The Ripper, a song by Judas Priest. I'm sure holes will be poked in this latest theory, as history has always loved a mystery...