Erik Sofge

I rarely say this about people. But she deserves all the bad karma that is heading her way right now. That video was so mean and vicious, it actually made me cry. I have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. And like so many women with the disease, I struggle with my weight. It’s like I woke up in a different body. I went from

“When Michelle and I came into office....”


Nothing beats Marreese Speights. Nothing.

You forgot: “Marathon clock looked like it was at 4:09 when the first explosion happened. Elites long gone. Triers then. Big hearts then.”

Reminder: the people who comment “who cares? why is this news?” are absolutely not emotionally indifferent to it.

Haneke is an Austrian who’s made some films in France. Not French at all.

Yeah, I love the idea myself. As far as I know, it was an idea that was introduced with MOBAs, and then taken to a new level in Titanfall. Titanfall does that superbly. All the soldiers on the battlefield are grunts, and the players are the elite soldiers. The grunts can kill you, but as a player you almost never feel

In Fighter Squadron mode, there probably won’t be that type of interaction. The other game modes will allow “air to ground” because I was mowing down player controlled stormtroopers with my X-Wing on Hoth.

This game mode is strictly vehicle only. I didn’t notice any ground troops when I crashed on the surface (which happened a lot).

Yes, but this was specifically showcasing a dog-fighting mode though.

Them being terrible at designing a game, because they are not cramming as many players as possible?

Fuck me, that’s a seriously stupid comment.

Does soccer get better, the more people are on each side? Would 64-player soccer be better? No, it fucking well wouldn’t.

Dice does a really great thing here (possibly. they

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Bo Jackson did this to him - hard grounder to the mound

LOL, so good. This is like when a hockey fight happens and the player that clearly just ate several punches with his face bear hugs and tackles his opponent, and then all the fans of that team cheer as if their guy won the fight.

Leading with the middle finger knuckle. Ballsy.

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Man, I’m all over sharing YouTube clips on Deadspin today. Did you know there are Ventura/Ryan fight truthers who believe Ventura won the fight?

breaks my heart to crush your hopes but, yeah, it is pretty dire over here. sweden’s 3rd largest party with plently of seats in the government and munincipal governing has its roots in the neo nazi movement of the early 90s and is now running on a nationalist, racist platform. they’ve swapped the swastikas and shaved